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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Aldersgate United Methodist Church

Serving In Belize
June 27, 2009
Staff: Laura Yoch


by Laura | June 28, 2009 1:55 PM

We all arrived, safe and sound. God was with us through customs, getting all doctors and eye glasses to Belize without any issues. We had the opportunity to visit people at an elderly home in Hattieville. After talking with them, we headed back to Queen Street Baptist Church (where the clinics will take place) to map out who will sit where and how to rope off the lines for the clinics. Our supper was prepared by the wonderful cooks of Queen Street. Everyone was very ready for bedtime after such a long day of travel. This morning started off with a church service and time of fellowship with one another at Queen Street Baptist. Pastor Lloyd Stanford shared the message about following God's call wholeheartedly and without question. What a great prelude into a week of serving others in God's name. We'll have some missions training this afternoon before returning for night church. Thanks for all of your prayers and praise God for our safe arrival. Pictures to follow.....

First Day of the Clinic!

by Laura | June 29, 2009 5:23 PM

As we arrived, the line for the clinic was already forming. Once we were all in our places, the doors were opened and the eye clinic began. God provided much energy and endurance throughout the day as we matched glasses after glasses after drops after glasses with all who came!
First Day of the Clinic!

Perfect Fit

by Laura | June 29, 2009 5:24 PM

This woman was extremely excited with her new pair of eyeglasses
Perfect Fit


by Laura | June 29, 2009 5:25 PM

Sharing time during Sunday night's Singspiration

Free Time

by Laura | June 29, 2009 5:26 PM

Enjoying Sunday afternoon out on the Belize River
Free Time

Another full day!

by Hannah V. | July 1, 2009 5:38 AM

Yesterday was awesome! In the morning session of the clinic, Aldersgate saw 20% more patients than the previous day, and then the afternoon was pretty steady. Thanks to all their hard work and God's grace, hundreds of people are being able to see for the first time! For dinner last night, the team headed to beautiful and relaxing Old Belize to relax and feel ready for the next day! Continue to pray that God will draw many people to the clinic!
Another full day!

Layout of the Clinic

by Laura | July 1, 2009 1:34 PM

Here is the sanctuary turned eyeglass clinic
Layout of the Clinic


by Laura | July 1, 2009 1:39 PM

It was a happy day for this little boy!

Pair 1? or...pair 2?

by Laura | July 1, 2009 1:40 PM

Finding the right match
Pair 1? or...pair 2?

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July 4, 2009 6:56 AM

Happy 4th of July!


July 3, 2009 5:56 AM

I know that you are getting ready to head back home tomorrow. Just remeber that you're coming back on our country's birthday .. and just to get you ready ...... and to put things in perspective .... as well as remind us of what a great country we live in .....I thought these words might be appropriate ...... "You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4th, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness. You may think you have overeaten, but it is patriotism. -- Erma Bomeck. ...... Thanks for sharing Jesus' love with others who do not live in this country, by your actions and presence this week. As we are all aware, and in Cental America as well .... Freedom is not Free. Bill Phillips

Maureen Pierson

July 2, 2009 10:50 PM

Mission accomplished, prayers answered, souls lifted, miracles happened and friends made forever. I know you all must be exhausted but fulfilled. May God bless your day today, Friday, and allow you to enjoy his wonderful ocean full of his beautiful creatures and fellowship with each other. Love, Maureen

frank spears

July 2, 2009 4:08 PM

Hello Aldersgate, We just finished up our last clinic day..... we meet so many new faces. We worked in a very small village. The locals were so glad to see us. Nobody had visited this church before for missions. One man is his late 50's had never had a pair of glasses, after he got his I walked outside with him and he saw a butterfly and started crying..... Oh boy...... We will arrive back in Atlanta on Saturday July 4 at 6:24 PM. Should be back in Augusta between 10:30 PM and 11 PM...... God Bless, Frank

Lori Wingrove

July 2, 2009 2:36 PM

What a blessing you all are to the people of Belize. I am looking forward to hearing about you trip. Lifting up prayers for the people of Belize and for a safe trip back home....

Scott Elledge

July 2, 2009 2:21 PM

What an awesome experience – not just for you all - but for the people that you guys are meeting and witnessing to. I’m sure your love and kind hearts are touching everyone you see. Zack, Maddy and Jennie, I’m very proud of you and I miss you all very much. Love the pics, can’t wait to see more. I Love You Guys, Dad


July 2, 2009 2:13 PM

Great Work Aldersgate UMC! I have been working in the community on houses this week with another team and everyone knows about your clinic! Everyone comments on how great this work is and there is much more need for eye glasses, dental teams, and teams to work with the children and adults through Bible studies, sports, door to door. As the trip will soon come to an end, please continue your prayers for the Pastors and people of Belize!

John pinson

July 2, 2009 12:08 PM

Frank - what time will you all be getting back to Augusta? John

Jill Sessions

July 2, 2009 10:55 AM

James said you sounded well when you called the office. We have been lifting you and your mission in prayer. Great job keeping us posted, Laura and all. The pictures help us back home experience this with you. As we celebrate our independence and freedom in the States this weekend, we thank God for the freedom and blessings He's given us especially the blessing of a church that reaches out in missions. I know he has equipped all of you for this special trip. Stay safe and God Bless!

Frank Spears

July 2, 2009 5:56 AM

Good morning from Belize, Yesterday was a record setting day.... we saw an average of 67 person per hour.... so far for three days the total number persons seen has been 1128. Today is our last day. We will be traveling to a small village about 30 miles from downtown Belize City. We are looking forward to meeting some new folks in need of glasses. The temps are still over 100 derees with heat index off the chart. The bottled water is going down like never seen before, I bought out the store last night.... will be looking for some this morning. Please keep posting your comments.... God Bless Frank

Carol Sayers

July 1, 2009 7:25 PM

You are truly being lead by the Spirit on this trip. From my devotional for July 2, The Lord only builds a bridge of faith directly under the feet of the faithful traveler. He never builds the bridge a few steps ahead, for then it would not be one of faith. " We live by faith, not by sight." 2Cor. 5:7. All you travelers are being led each day by faith, do not grow weary today. You are being lifted up continunally with prayer. Love to all, Carol

Anne and Steve Zimmerman

July 1, 2009 6:47 PM

Hey everybody! And hey especially to Mom and Joy!! We just wanted to say that you are in our prayers and we hope you all are having a good time helping others. Your are planting seeds for Christ. We hear it's very hot down there, but don't get discouraged! We love you!

Fredrica Clary

July 1, 2009 6:35 PM

Thank you for sharing the trip with us. How exciting to see what you are doing for the people in Belize. You are remembered in my prayers.

Jenn Wilson

July 1, 2009 5:45 PM

okay i am totally trying to call yall back right now! (getting a busy signal) sorry i have missed the calls (you always hit the time i am putting my kiddos to bed) i promise i will have the phone glued to me from now on!!! i am so proud of all of you! you are representing AG8 with love and compassion... of course I knew it would be great! right Frank? love all of you... blessings

Beth Hamilton

July 1, 2009 12:40 PM

Doesn't it warm your hearts to be able to help all these people and to witness the smiles on their faces when they can finally see clearly? What a great experience! You all have been in our thoughts and prayers. Thomas, sorry I missed your call yesterday. I know you are working hard and having fun too. I look forward to hearing all about Beliz. I love you, Mom.

Dave Pierson

July 1, 2009 8:20 AM

Hello team! Special greetings to my daughter, Laura. I'm sorry I missed your call this morning, sweetheart. I had my phone on audible and was out around the plant and didn't hear it ring. You are doing a wonderful job with the updates! I am more proud of you than you will ever know. God is doing amazing things in your life and it's only just the beginning. I love and miss you so much. Looking forward to your return home so you can tell me all about the trip and the people you met. I hope the heat is not too unbearable. Talk to you soon, Sweet Pea. Love, Daddy


July 1, 2009 8:09 AM

2 Kings 6:17 "The Lord opened the eyes of the young man and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha." There are unseen beings everywhere, according to the Bible. It speaks of angels (Gabriel, Michael) in large numbers. Jesus said that he could have called many angels to defend Him at the crucifixion. The devil has angels and God does, too. Both are fighting to control our lives and decide who will win by the decisions we make. Christians have the Holy Spirit in us and if we yield to Him, He will guide us. Prayer: I yield myself to Your control, Lord. Protect me and use me for good. Thank you. Amen. This was an excerpt taken from my devotional book, In God's Crosshairs, a daily devotional for hunters, given to me by Susan. This was from the day your mission began. How appropriate. You are yielding yourself to the Lord's control, and He is using you in a mighty way to open their eyes .... in many different ways, of His people in Belize. God's speed and protection go with you. Bill Phillips

John Pinson

July 1, 2009 7:59 AM

Frank - I am amazed - God has a way of sending you and a mission team to where you can show the love of God. Refrig and now a stove? You are sure cooking for God. Go with God my friends. John

frank spears

July 1, 2009 6:00 AM

Hello Aldersgate, Day 3. Yesterday the lines never slowed down. Our eye doctors normally would see about 10 to 15 patients per day in their offices........Yesterday over 150 eye exams. I wish I was 30 years again.... You would all be so proud of our youth..... they have worked till they could not work any more. What a blessing to watch them work with the Belize people. Yesterday we purchased a new refrig....The church has an after school program to feed hungry kids. The old frig.. quit working weeks ago... They have asked for a stove to cooks the meals for the kids too, so today I am going shopping again. Keep praying for the team and writing your comments, I am reading them to the team each night.... God Bless, Frank

Lin Stullken

June 30, 2009 10:45 PM

I think of each of you every day. Thank you for representing Aldersgate in such a special way. I know each of you will give and recieve many blessings. My prayers are with you and the people you are serving. Peace be with you.

Hey Laura and everybody

June 30, 2009 1:23 PM

Dear Laura, I am so glad to hear of the good updates that are going on over there.. Me and britney and brandan and wes and hannah and some others went on a prayer wallk the other night and we lifted you up along with the others.. We will contiue to do so.. You are missed but rejoice with what the Lord is doing through you.. Love you girl and see you soon when you return.. JOy McGaha


June 30, 2009 11:56 AM

Waiting to see more pictures of the other members..... Cannot wait to hear your stories... all is going well here at church.

Jenn Wilson

June 30, 2009 10:09 AM

I am so excited yall look great! I wish i was there but I am praying for your "open eyes" daily... much love... ps. zack, thomas, and franklin yall better be good! don't make me come over there and get yall! :) maddy keep takin' pics for me angela are you preaching to the masses yet? laura- proud of your updates joy.. we miss you, josh keeps calling anne joy so that should make you feel good madelyn- don't let those boys pick on you... not even a little! love to all.... jenn


June 30, 2009 8:54 AM

. "There are three indispensable requirements for a missionary: 1. Patience 2. Patience 3. Patience." Hudson Taylor Patience is defined as: Enduring affliction or pain without anger or complaint- And I understand from Frank that you guys have endured some affliction from the heat. But, don't forget the gift you are and will provide to the people through the medical teams. Many of you know I was blind for a period of time and regained my vision. Now, I get to hear about my brothers and sisters in Christ helping others to see clearly, maybe for the first time. What a blessing. Your heart for the people will be the witness for Christ. God bless you guys James

Cherie Portinga

June 30, 2009 6:10 AM

Hey mission campers, Glad to hear all is going well with the trip and I will continue to pray for your awesome success. I am eagerly awaiting your return and all the wonderful stories and photos that will be returning with you. Praying God's Grace over you. Cherie

Maureen Pierson

June 29, 2009 11:16 PM

I am so excited that on this mission trip, God has blessed you all so much already. I can just feel the heat and the exhaustion you must be feeling. It does make it al worth it though when the people become so excited that they can READ now! Keep up the great journals and pictures, Laura. Love you sweetpea. I love you all.

frank spears

June 29, 2009 8:01 PM

first day down.... it was very hot, the heat index inside the church were we worked was around 114 That did not stop the team.... we saw 348 people today.... average was 54 person per hour.......Oh boy I am sure tired......


June 29, 2009 7:10 PM

Aldersgate Folk.....the quote that James submitted is very fitting and poignant! I have your security and strength in my prayers.

Chuck Lanier

June 29, 2009 12:21 PM

I was excited to read the list of missionaries from Aldersgate. I hope each of you has a wonderful experience, and that you get even more than you came expecting to receive. May your giving bless the lives of those you serve, and may their receiving bless you. Chuck Lanier

Donna Ford

June 29, 2009 12:17 PM

Glad to hear you all arrived safely. May you feel the holy spirit all week as you serve the people there. Prayers are with you back home.


June 29, 2009 8:48 AM

"Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for task equal to your powers, pray for powers equal to your tasks.” Phillips Brooks We're thinking and praying for you guys

Frank Spears

June 29, 2009 5:37 AM

Hello Aldersgate Church. Today is the first day of eye clinics. It is 6 AM here as I write you. We had a great rain storm last night sure cooled the ground off. You would be so proud of the youth members of the team. They are ready to go and have such a wonderfu attitude. We are getting ready for the big show, hope the folks line up around the block for the clinic....more later......


June 28, 2009 1:50 PM

Go good to hear that you've arrived safely. We will be praying for all of you this week that God will use each of you in just the way He has planned. I am looking forward to hearing everything that goes on. Lots of love and prayers. Carol

Juan Menjivar

June 28, 2009 7:36 AM

We arrived in Belize safely, and were all very excited to find out that our Hotel rooms have A/C! We look forward to providing the best care possible to the Belizeans and spreading the word of God.

Frank Spears

June 27, 2009 12:46 AM

Hello Team.... I hope you are ready. We have been planning for 7 months. Today is the day to serve the Lord.......

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