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KJ Headshot

Kujanga Jackson

Pastor Kujanga Jackson lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma where he pastors Zion Community Church as well as serves as the Executive Director of TOUCH (Tulsans Operating In Unity Creating Hope), a local non-profit that serves youth in the community through before and after school education programs. Having over 15 years of non-profit leadership experience, Pastor Kujanga is passionate about leveraging the faith community to bring practical and meaningful solutions to community issues.

Michele Mitchell Headshot

Michele Mitchell

Michele is the Vice President of Children and Families Action Network. An agency in collaboration with Family and Youth Counseling Agency. She works closely with local and state level legislators to ensure proper public policy and funding are in place to support children that have been affected by violent crime. Michele became a strong advocate in policy when she won local election to be a city councilman in her hometown in 2015.

She holds a bachelor's degree from East Tennessee State University with a focus on Public Administration and Nonprofit Management. She also achieved her masters degree from Tulane University in Homeland Security Studies in 2021. Her education and experiences has allowed Michele to partner with local and federal government on matters of Emergency Management and Disaster Recovery. She is currently co-leading in the Recovery Support Function Framework in Louisiana, where 4 declared emergencies have happened within an 11 months period of time.

Michele and her husband Mark have been married for 29 years and have two grown children that are also married and each have a child. She is a breast cancer survivor and lives each day with purpose and intentionality. Her family vision is to live a life of significance by adding value to others. She does this through mentorship, leadership development and serving communities.

Praying Pelican Missions

Rick Adkins

Pastor Rick Adkins lives and serves in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. He has been a part of the leadership of Carolina Forest Community Church for over 18 years and is currently serving as the lead pastor.

While serving at Carolina Forest Community Church, Pastor Rick also serves on the board of directors for the Global Youth Force, an organization that works to empower young leaders to make a difference in their world for Christ. Rick has over a decade of involvement in missions, serving in many locations around the world with students and adults. He currently helps lead teams from Carolina Forest Community Church to Nambi, Costa Rica multiple times a year through PPM. The relationship that his church has built with the church in Nambi is a testament to the impact that long-term relationships can have in the context of short-term missions.

Rick is passionate about exalting Jesus, encouraging ministry leaders, and empowering the next generation to run the race and keep the faith.

Ryan Eldridge

Ryan Eldridge

With twenty-plus years of consulting businesses, leaders, and nonprofits, Ryan's engagements represent a global tapestry spanning multiple platforms and industries. Currently, Ryan serves as a senior advisor for a national accounting firm, as an outsourced CFO with over $50M AUM for various private equity groups, and as the director for a corporate service-trip nonprofit organization. Ryan has authored various books on subjects ranging from cash-flow management to business strategy and spiritual development. As a lifelong student, Ryan attended Wayne State College and Ashworth College to obtain his BBA and then pursued several licenses including his most recent as a Financial Coach Master Training with Ramsey Solutions.

Ryan and his wife, Stacy, have been married for 22 years and have four children - two biological and two adopted. They have been active in their local church as youth directors and as a safe family for short-term child placement. As a family, they have served various local churches led by friends and family in need of volunteers and have been on several mission trips together. As a follower of Christ, Ryan's passion is to increase peace and fulfillment for socially responsible leaders and to seek justice for orphans and widows. Through multiple initiatives, Ryan strives to live a better story and do greater things.

Non-voting Members

Jeff Houdek

Jeff Houdek

PPM Chief Financial Officer

As the Chief Financial Officer for Praying Pelican Missions Jeff is passionate about growing an ever-expanding network of interconnected, interdenominational churches committed to reaching the world with the Gospel of Jesus. With a Bachelor of Arts (BA), Accounting from St. John's University, and a Mini Masters in Medical Technology Management from the University of St. Thomas - Opus College of Business, Jeff has been a leader in the financial industry for nearly 30 years. Jeff currently lives in the greater Minneapolis area with his two daughters. He is active in his community, serving on various committees for organizations focused on developing youth leadership programs. Jeff shares his love of theater with his daughters and can be found taking part in various local productions.


Jim Noreen

PPM President

Jim currently serves as the President of Praying Pelican Missions, previously holding the role of Vice President of Marketing and Development. Jim joined PPM in 2010 with a background in youth ministry, missions, and corporate sales. He has been a pioneer in the development of many of PPM's core strategies for connecting the local church and a key driver in launching over 20 locations. Jim's leadership responsibilities at PPM have included managing the operations in Haiti, developing new partnership locations, and overseeing the marketing and recruiting departments. Jim lives in the greater Minneapolis area with his wife and four children and enjoys the outdoors when not traveling.

laura yoch ppm

Laura Yoch


Laura Yoch serves as Vice President of Operations. Starting with PPM as an intern in 2006, Laura has fulfilled various roles within the organization since then, serving in Belize, Costa Rica, and Alaska. In her current role, she loves meeting the local churches and pastors who host our teams across the country and learning how mission teams can best partner alongside them. Laura earned her B.A. in Sociology from the University of Minnesota. She currently resides with her husband and five children in Woodbury, Minnesota. You can find their family making the most of Minnesota's seasons and visiting as many national parks as possible with their pop-up camper.

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8011 34th Ave S, Suite 400
Minneapolis, MN 55425
Pelican Account


Working as a team

Bethel Church

Kentucky | June 27, 2024

I got your back

Timberline Church

Alaska | June 27, 2024

Beach Day

Clarkston United Methodist Church

Carolinas | June 27, 2024

Day 3!!

Wheaton Bible Church

Chicago, IL | June 27, 2024

Astronauts in the park

Benson Baptist Church Youth

Washington, D.C. | June 27, 2024





Our customizable mission trips allow each person on your team of adults to find a place to serve, regardless of their interest or skills.


Africa's many countries boast a wide array of beauty, culture and needs. Destinations include Kenya and South Africa.


Serve with Praying Pelican across the Caribbean—locations include Haiti, Jamaica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, the Bahamas, and Puerto Rico.


Serve with Praying Pelican across the Central America—locations include Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.


College students are looking for a place to make a meaningful impact. Amplify that impact by partnering alongside a local church.


This is your opportunity to serve alongside a local church and experience God in a different culture—from Belize, to Cuba, to South Africa and beyond.


Get all the information you need about our mission trips and what your group can expect as they serve on mission with Praying Pelican.


From our hometown of Minneapolis to the island of Puerto Rico, USA mission trips are diverse in service opportunities, cultural experiences, and community needs.


Deepen your youth mission trip by doing ministry built on genuine partnerships, long term relationships, and sustainable ministry.

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