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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Browncroft Community Church

Serving In Guatemala
July 9, 2016
Staff: Trent Anderson

We've Arrived!

by Trent Anderson | July 10, 2016 1:43 AM

After a long day of travel we have arrived in Guatemala! Our Praying Pelican staff met us at the airport and loaded buses to our lodging. We had a quick orientation meeting and now we are headed to bed! We are excited to begin ministry tomorrow!

First Day

by Aunica Buseman | July 10, 2016 1:22 PM

The team woke up early and was ready to go by breakfast time. We’re in Mountain time here, so it’s about 2 hours earlier here than in New York. Some of them forgot to set back their clocks, so they accidentally got up really early! We had a good laugh. We ate a traditional Guatemalan breakfast of scrambled eggs with a tomato sauce, fried beans, and fried sweet plantains. Two groups went to their churches for a Sunday school service. My team (team 3 serving with Nancy and Mike as leaders) had an AWESOME worship band. The other team went to the market to purchase the food for the food distribution and was able to package half of it and pray over the food we’ll be giving out.


by Aunica Buseman | July 11, 2016 8:59 AM

Due to the large amount of photos I've created a folder for you guys to be able to see what we're doing! Yesterday afternoon we each went on a prayer walk. My group (group 3) was a full on parade with fireworks at the end and everything! In the evening we got to participate in church services. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_CHCP5r20_AdllFTTNiVlZtVGM&usp=sharing

Food Distribution Prep

by Trent Anderson | July 11, 2016 9:18 AM

Yesterday we picked up food for 60 families. We spent time packing the food into bags and then we prayed over each bag of food praying specifically for the families that will receive them. We cant wait to see God work through these bags!
Food Distribution Prep

Home Visits

by Trent Anderson | July 11, 2016 12:29 PM

We are spending the morning out in the communties visiting with families and delivering food. Today we met Cesar and his family. His daughter (15 years old) passed away two years ago. She was the only believer in her family, but when she passed away it brought her entire family to church. 15 days after her funeral the family gave their lives to Christ. What a testimony!
Home Visits

Food Distribution Day 1

by Eduardo Herrera | July 12, 2016 12:22 AM

Today was such a blessing being able to share a couple of minutes with these families, not because we provided them food supplies, because we shared the gospel with them, giving them hope and also telling them they are not alone that God will always take care of them. Even though of languages barrier We had a mutual link between us: the love of Jesus.
Food Distribution Day 1

Food Distribution Day 1

by Eduardo Herrera | July 12, 2016 12:40 AM

The Lord impacting their lives.
Food Distribution Day 1

Food Distribution Day 1

by Eduardo Herrera | July 12, 2016 12:41 AM

Doing what He sent us to do.
Food Distribution Day 1

VBS Day 1

by Eduardo Herrera | July 12, 2016 12:44 AM

First day of VBS, having fun, doing some crafts and also sharing Jesus love with the children, We came to share love with them but, in fact; they shared love with us.
VBS Day 1

VBS Day 1

by Eduardo Herrera | July 12, 2016 12:48 AM

Sharing the good news to the kids: Jesus is alive!
VBS Day 1

VBS Day 1

by Eduardo Herrera | July 12, 2016 12:55 AM

We started out with a few kids at the beginning, but incredibly the number of kids increased as the day continued. One of the amazing things about having a VBS in Guatemala is the attendance of the parents. What a support is a family in this culture.
VBS Day 1

Debriefing meeting

by Eduardo Herrera | July 12, 2016 1:07 AM

After a long day serving in multiple ministries it was the right time to share some highlights and moments where we saw God and how they impacted us.
Debriefing meeting

Orphanage Visit!

by Trent Anderson | July 12, 2016 4:11 PM

This morning our entire group went to a local orphanage and played with the children! It was such a fun way to start the day!
Orphanage Visit!

Birthday Celebration!

by Trent Anderson | July 12, 2016 4:13 PM

Last night after our meeting we had a Birthday party to celebrate Brianna and Cailee's birthdays! We celebrated Guatemala style with cake and a pinata!
Birthday Celebration!

VBS Day 2!

by Trent Anderson | July 13, 2016 10:00 AM

The second day of VBS was a success! We are hosting three separate VBS's this week and in total we are working with about 250 kids!
VBS Day 2!

Evening Church Service

by Trent Anderson | July 13, 2016 10:03 AM

We all had Tuesday night services at our churches. Robert stepped up with our group and preached the main sermon! Pastor Carlos was so impressed that a youth was willing to step up and preach. He said that he hopes it can inspire his youth to step up into leadership roles.
Evening Church Service

School Assembly

by Aunica Buseman | July 13, 2016 11:44 AM

My team is doing a school assembly this morning. We started out with some ice breakers (Mike did an awesome routine with an invisible ball and a paper bag) and did a song. The kids got involved!
School Assembly

School Assembly #2

by Trent Anderson | July 14, 2016 12:05 AM

My group also had a school assembly today! We did skits, music, games, and testimonies. We had about 250 kids at the assembly!
School Assembly #2

More Home Visits!

by Trent Anderson | July 15, 2016 7:16 AM

Thursday morning we had the opportunity to visit with more families and deliver food. Most of the families we went to were not Christians so we were able to come alongside Pastor Carlos as apart of his outreach.
More Home Visits!

VBS - Building Relationships

by Trent Anderson | July 15, 2016 7:18 AM

We LOVE the kids!
VBS - Building Relationships

Guitars For Glory

by Trent Anderson | July 15, 2016 7:21 AM

It is hard to see in the picture, but this is Pastor Afolpho receiving a guitar from Guitars For Glory! So much joy as one of the church members went up front to lead the congregation in worship on their new guitar.
Guitars For Glory

Final Day of Ministry

by Trent Anderson | July 16, 2016 3:38 PM

Our final day of ministry was so good! We did more school assembies, food distribution, and VBS. We all had a hard time leaving our church partners after such an incredible week serving alongside them!
Final Day of Ministry

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Esperanza R. Romero

July 17, 2016 9:52 AM

Aliyah, we are so very proud of you for what you are doing in Guatemala. I am keeping you and all your group in my prayers every single day. May your sharing the Gospel with all of God's people be fruitful. God will bless you for the planting of seeds. May God bless you all on your trip back. Hope to see you sometime before summer ends. May your actions and faith inspire other youth everywhere. Love you much, Grandma

Diane Sturmer

July 17, 2016 9:06 AM

You can see the joy on your face in the photos! Your heart, His heart.....His Heart....your heart! See you soon! Thank you for taking this step of faith and being part of something really special for Him! He is making a difference in the hearts of each person that you have been present with and engaged with! Thank you Peter

Mike & Lisa Torrell

July 16, 2016 4:48 PM

We are so glad to see all the amazing work you have all done this week! You truly blessed Guatemala and have been blessed by it! Love the Guitars for Glory connection! We will be praying for safe travels home! Can't wait to see you Bri! Love and Miss you! :)

The Bartkowski Family

July 16, 2016 1:31 PM

Rachel, we are really excited to hear all about your week. Did you take a lot of pictures? It's a long trip home, but enjoy the time to think about all that you've done this past week. We've been praying for you and your team! We hope that God has opened your eyes to continue to do great things for Him. Can't wait to see you!!! Love, Dad, Mom, Kayla, Daisy and Sadie.

Sandy Masters

July 16, 2016 7:16 AM

Praying for your last day in Guatemala! Can't wait to see all of you when you get home!

Peg and Ted Adams

July 15, 2016 1:35 PM

We're looking forward to seeing you in 2 more days and hearing about your experiences in Guatemala. Hopefully you can fit everything back into your suitcases. :) Spencer - we love you and miss you. We'll see you on Sunday. Blessings to all!

Keith and Connie Gilderhus

July 15, 2016 11:50 AM

Hi Nina! We love you!! We are so proud of you! We pray every day for the group's mission, the people you have touched with God's gift of your presence and for what you are learning about yourselves and the rest of the world! Cannot wait to hear stories, see pictures and learn what "Browncroft kids" and God were able to bring to the good people of Guatemala! Love, Mom and Dad

Sandy Masters

July 15, 2016 10:31 AM

Praying for your day that God leads you through it and that His love shines through each team member to the people of Guatemala.

Barb Brown

July 15, 2016 7:55 AM

Nathan, I can't wait to see you and hear all about your experiences in Guatemala. I am so-o-o-o proud of you. May God continue to Bless You as He has given you as a Blessing to all of us. Love, Nana

The Klembczyk Family

July 15, 2016 7:22 AM

Praying for you all these last few days - for energy and stamina, for the Spirit to lead you to the right people (both individually and as a group), for you all to experience the Lord in a brand new, fresh way today. Grateful for the leaders from BCC and Praying Pelican and all they have done to make this trip possible. Praise the Lord for his amazing grace!

The Klembczyk Family

July 15, 2016 7:16 AM

Praying for you all these last few days - for energy and stamina, for the Spirit to lead you to the right people (both individually and as a group), for you all to experience the Lord in a brand new, fresh way today. Grateful for the leaders from BCC and Praying Pelican and all they have done to make this trip possible. Praise the Lord for his amazing grace!

The Klembczyk Family

July 15, 2016 7:15 AM

Praying for you all these last few days - for energy and stamina, for the Spirit to lead you to the right people (both individually and as a group), for you all to experience the Lord in a brand new, fresh way today. Grateful for the leaders from BCC and Praying Pelican and all they have done to make this trip possible. Praise the Lord for his amazing grace!

Kip McDowell

July 15, 2016 7:13 AM

Hey Ryan, it's hard to believe the week is almost over! I am sure that God has done some amazing things throughout this week, we look forward to hearing all about your trip! Enjoy these last few days, see you on Sunday!

Susan Frase

July 14, 2016 7:48 PM

Hi Kayla, We are so proud of you for following the Lord's will in joining this group. I am sure you are have a good time despite some inconveniences Love you, Grandma and Grandpa

Santowski Family

July 14, 2016 7:15 PM

Paul, we miss you greatly, but know that you are making a difference in the lives of the people with whom you interact in Guatemala. Our hope and prayer is that you truly see the gift of a servant’s heart you possess and know that you are doing God’s work. God is smiling on you and the rest of the missions team down there as you all work together to inform and transform lives to see the love Jesus has for everyone there. You are a change agent working for the ultimate employer and giver of unlimited love and grace. You make us so proud!

Sandy Masters

July 14, 2016 3:31 PM

Praying that you all continue to have energy and that God gives you peace with the things that are our of our control. I know God is going to continue doing amazing things through this team and that he has an amazing plan already in place for each team member. Can't wait to hear all about it in a few days! Keep speaking boldly for Christ and shining his light everywhere you go!

Tony Savine

July 14, 2016 11:18 AM

I have to admit I am disappointed that there has not been a brief 32 page (single spaced) summary of the daily highlights from Dave Boris. I wish that I was there with you all. Save travels. Finally, the "baby boy" is the tallest person in the picture.

The Klembczyk Family

July 14, 2016 11:08 AM

Praying for you all these last few days - for energy and stamina, for the Spirit to lead you to the right people (both individually and as a group), for you all to experience the Lord in a brand new, fresh way today. Grateful for the leaders from BCC and Praying Pelican and all they have done to make this trip possible. Praise the Lord for his amazing grace!

Andrea Peterson

July 14, 2016 6:43 AM

250 kiddos. I'm just giddy seeing all those sweet faces who are soaking in Jesus' love and saving truth at school assemblies and VBS clubs and home visits. I pray that their affection and wonder inspire you to love each other and Jesus with open, undivided, eager hearts! They do it better than we do - that's why Jesus makes an example of children. Love you all - praying for a strong, joyful finish!

Lisa Torrell

July 13, 2016 8:25 PM

Wow! A pinata for your birthday party, Brianna! I am dying to know if there were Guatemalan coffee beans in there? It looks like you are not enjoying yourself at all! :) The only thing you are missing here is a "Pokemon Go" craze that's sweeping the nation! Makes you realize how important your "Guatemala Go!" craze truly is, compared to the silly USA! We are praying for all the teams, and that your final days there are super productive and spiritually blessed! "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations!" Matthew 28

Cathy & Dick Hrrman

July 13, 2016 8:01 PM

So thankful to hear all the great reports! We continue to pray for you all and for those you are serving. We are remembering especially the particular needs we both recognize when leading. God is good to provide your team with gifted &supportive leadership. Blessings and love.

Jess & Missy Peters

July 13, 2016 7:58 PM

Maddi, We're missing you like crazy but LOVE seeing all these pictures of you and the team ministering to the people there! The Lord is using you and we can't wait to hear all about it! Praying for strength as you finish the week off. Love you so much!! xoxo

Peg and Ted Adams

July 13, 2016 11:37 AM

We're amazed at all that you've done already. Keep up the good works! We miss you very much and pray for you every day. We can't wait to see you on Sunday:)

Sandy Masters

July 13, 2016 11:19 AM

I am so incredibly proud of you Robert!!!! Way to go! I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back! I've been praying for you and the team everyday and it's so encouraging to hear stories like these of answered prayers. Keep speaking boldly for Christ!

Linda Boris

July 13, 2016 10:14 AM

I am in awe of how God is using all of you! And I am looking forward to the story of how my "baby" boy (sorry Robert) was inspired to preach a message at the Tues evening service. So proud of you buddy! Keep listening to the Spirit.

Sandy Masters

July 13, 2016 9:58 AM

Praying for you guys as you go out and share God's love with people! Can't wait to hear more of how God is you all in great and mighty ways for his glory. Be strong and courageous for He is with you wherever you go!

Ginny Hicks

July 12, 2016 8:35 PM

Nathan, Aunt Ginny and Uncle Dick are thinking about you and your group!

Mike Torrell

July 12, 2016 8:03 PM

Hi Bri, I see you behind many of the pics! Praying for you, your teammates, and your daily encounters. Peace, joy & love. Keep smiling ...always! Luv & miss you XOXOXO

Patti Winn

July 12, 2016 7:34 PM

Love the blogs and the pictures!! God's Holy Spirit is truly at work through our Team, the Praying Pelican staff, and the Guatemalan people you have encountered. Prayers are being answered!! Missing you Kevin, but so appreciate the opportunity in which you have been blessed to participate. Praise God!! Looking forward to more updates and pictures. ??

The Stack Family

July 12, 2016 4:50 PM

Jason, Nathan and Abby!!!!!!! Great pics!!! Such an exciting trip! Praying for you all and entire team. Missing your sweet faces. With much love and prayers, Mom and Dad

The Morse Family

July 12, 2016 11:56 AM

It is awesome to see the amazing things that the group has done thus far. We are so proud of the work that you are doing, Meredith! Can't wait to hear how God is moving through you this week. Love Mom, Dad and Elliott

Nikki Masters

July 12, 2016 9:01 AM

Praying for your Tuesday! May you each have the energy you need, may you KNOW that the Lord walks before you, hemming you in (Psalm 139) and may He bless the work of your hands as you care for those He places before you. It is going to be a super day! We can't wait to hear about it!

Sandy Masters

July 12, 2016 7:17 AM

So glad to see that the vbs and food distribution went so well on your first day! I'm not surprised though since that's what we've been praying for :) God is good!

Lisa Torrell

July 11, 2016 10:43 PM

HI Bri! Calla is whining in her crate now because she misses you! We all do, but wow, we love all the photos! I am assuming you are taking them b/c I have only seen you once so far and you had a camera on! This whole team is such a blessing to the people of Guatemala, and it's evident by the work we are seeing! Keep it up! We are praying for you all! "The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever." 1 John 2:17

Randy Carson

July 11, 2016 9:58 PM

Hey Kayla, I am glad to see you in at least one picture :) Looks like you guys are doing some really great things. I am very proud of you and the work that you are doing there. God has definitely given you a servants heart and it is such a blessing to see Him working through you to touch the lives around you!! Love ya, Papa.


July 11, 2016 6:40 PM

Lailee, you are in our thoughts and prayers. We are happy to see your picture today. We just had supper with your family and we enjoyed your picture together. Love, nana & pappap

Lisa DeVinney

July 11, 2016 1:04 PM

Thank you to the PPM leaders for the photos! Please keep them coming -- it is so great to see what our kids are doing! Blessings to the Browncroft team -- we love you guys! Hi Chris!

Sandy Masters

July 11, 2016 12:59 PM

Praying for you guys today. That the VBS goes well and that you all see God working in the lives of those around you as well as your own! Be bold for Christ!!!

Kathy Roeters

July 11, 2016 11:34 AM

Thinking and praying for you! May your eyes see the goodness of the Lord and may you want more of Him. Give it your all...for His glory!

Sandy Masters

July 11, 2016 11:20 AM

Praying for you guys today. That the VBS goes well and that you all see God working in the lives of those around you as well as your own! Be bold for Christ!!!

Andrea Peterson

July 11, 2016 9:53 AM

First of all, fried plantains. YUM! I hope they are as delicious as what I'm imagining right now. I hope they are just one of many delights you experience in Guatemala. The goodness of God is everywhere. I'm praying as your VBS clubs begin and for that massive birthday party tomorrow. When you bless the "least of these" you bless Jesus. True religion our Father seeks is to care for the fatherless. God rejoices over each of you. Love you all, especially Katrin ??

The Klembczyk Family

July 11, 2016 9:47 AM

Brianna - happy belated 18th birthday. We pray you had a wonderful birthday yesterday. Sounds like some people even marched in a parade to celebrate! Many blessings on this journey.

The Klembczyk Family

July 11, 2016 9:46 AM

Peter, so proud of you for taking this journey. We pray the Lord will lead you and open your heart to others. Looking forward to hearing all about your experiences. We love you, Mom, Dad, Jordan and EmmaLee

Patti Winn

July 11, 2016 9:28 AM

Kevin, we are so proud of you! What an awesome God we have to put you in a community that is so welcoming and glad to have you there. Dance is a universal language, use it to spread the Gospel with the children that you meet and with whom you work. I pray that you help to open their hearts to accept God's love and grace.

AnneMarie Sureau

July 11, 2016 8:42 AM

Sophie, Hello from North Dakota! I'm thinking of you all day as I meet and chat with missionaries and Bible translators from all over the world. One couple I chatted with work in the Deaf community in Argentina! I also thought of you as I drank some wonderful Guatemalan coffee yesterday. Praying for health and safety for everyone and for God to move in the hearts of the team and those you encounter. Je t'aime.

Kim family

July 11, 2016 6:43 AM

David, so glad to hear all of you are there safe and also glad that you had a wonderful first day! God is so great! We all miss you so much and so proud of you! You are all in our prayers. See you soon. Love you!! Mom, Dad, Daniel and Happy

Peg and Ted Adams

July 10, 2016 10:55 PM

Glad to hear you all arrived safely and had a good first day. Breakfast sounded interesting! Blessings to each and every one of you for the work you are doing. You are all in our prayers.

Faith Wart

July 10, 2016 10:49 PM

Elizabeth, We are so proud of you and the heart you have for others. We love that thru technology we can stay "in touch". Have a wonderful time, go out and be a blessing to those around you. We love you and miss you! We're praying for you and the whole team. Love, Mom & Dad

Brenda Zariczny

July 10, 2016 10:04 PM

Nathan, We are proud of you for going on this adventure in service to Christ. You and your Browncroft team are in our prayers. Love, mom

Kip McDowell

July 10, 2016 9:40 PM

Hey Ryan, missing you here. Glad to hear you all arrived safely! Praying for you as you and your teams serve in His name. God bless!

Anne Prevost

July 10, 2016 9:30 PM

To Emma and all the young missionaries: We are proud of you for your efforts to help others, and we pray for your health and safety while you are away. Love from Aunt Anne and Uncle Bob


July 10, 2016 7:51 PM

Hey Rachel, It’s quiet here without you. Dogs miss you. See you soon. Love, Kayla


July 10, 2016 7:49 PM

Hey Rachel, It’s quiet here without you. Dogs miss you. See you soon. Love, Kayla

Bartkowski Family

July 10, 2016 7:46 PM

Rachel, we miss you and look forward to you coming home. But, we know that God has you in Guatemala for a reason. We trust that He will continue to reveal that to you! We love you! Your whole team continues to be in our prayers. May the Lord guide each and every step that you take! “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. We have confidence in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to do the things we command. May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.” -2Thessalonians 3:3-5 Love, Dad, Mom & Kayla.

English family

July 10, 2016 5:39 PM

Oh lah-lee.... it seems like you have been gone for days already! I can't wait to share with you and remember it wont be until next sunday. I'm so happy you have never strayed from God's side even though everything you have gone through. It makes you such a good witness to to all you come across. Your team is in my prayers! xoxo??

Lisa DeVinney

July 10, 2016 4:46 PM

Chris: sounds like your first day was great! Miss and love you! - Mom

Shannon, Durhon Oldham

July 10, 2016 3:52 PM

Happy Birthday Brianna!! Becca and Bailey, we miss you so so much. We are praying for you and the rest of the group continually.

Annette McDowell

July 10, 2016 3:32 PM

Happy Birthday Brianna!!! :) So happy to hear you have all arrived and gotten settled. Will be praying for God to move in a powerful way in and through each of you! Looking forward to hearing news as your week progresses. Lots of love to you all!

Lisa, Mike, Jake, Connor and Matthew Torrell

July 10, 2016 1:27 PM

HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY BRIANNA!!!!! We love and miss you more than words can say on this big birthday! We know that as God knows all the tiny hairs on your head, he also had a plan and knew when you were born, that you were meant to be serving in a foreign country when you turned 18. "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10

Ben Finch

July 10, 2016 8:08 AM

My dearest Sheriee, so glad to hear you have arrived safely, the kids and I are missing you already. We rest knowing God has a purpose for you there in Guatemala. Proverbs 16:9 "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." Slow down and listen for His Holy Spirit to guide you this week so you accomplish His will for the people you will be in fellowship with. With love always and forever, -Ben

Jan Comstra

July 10, 2016 6:13 AM

This technology of instant communication is one of God's good gifts. As I go to church here in Penfield, NY this morning, you are on my heart. I am asking Our Father to be near to each of you, to open your eyes to His Presence, and to show you His plans for today. Be thankful in everything.

melissa phillips

July 9, 2016 10:22 PM

I'm so excited for you. aliyah, I missed you the moment you left. I can't wait to see pictures. I'm praying that each of you are equally moved by the faces you will meet and the hearts you will touch. make meaningful connections with our brothers and sisters in Guatemala

Sandy Masters

July 9, 2016 7:47 PM

I'm praying for all you guys! I can't wait to hear what God is doing in Guatemala as well as your lives. You are covered in prayer from back here at home so be strong and courageous speaking God's truth and love boldly!

Brenna Lahr

July 9, 2016 7:05 PM

To everyone, I am so proud of every single one of you. You guys are being the hands and feet of Christ and I hope people see that, let your light shine through while y'all are in Guatemala. I will be praying for each and every one of you and I wish y'all the best of luck and I love you all! Also, thank you so much to the volunteers and the staff for helping things run smoothly and safely.

Henrik Berg

July 9, 2016 5:49 PM

Jackson, I am so proud of you and know that God will touch your heart and that your compassion will allow others to experience God's love.

Linda Boris

July 9, 2016 1:01 PM

Dear Team Boris, That would be David and Maria and Robert... It is quiet here without you :-) I am so proud of you for serving in Guatemala and know that the Holy Spirit is going to teach you a thing or two! I pray for grace and unity for your teams and that everyone would powerfully sense the Lord's presence and power. Love, Mom

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