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Christian Medical Association - UNTHSC

Serving In Guatemala
March 8, 2015
Staff: Rob Graham

Eagerly Waiting!

by Rob Graham | March 8, 2015 11:56 AM

The Pelican staff is at the airport eagerly awaiting the arrival of the first wave of participants from Christian Medical Associates! The first aircraft has landed and we are looking for them to exit from customs. Meanwhile, some staff are picking up lunch for the group so we can begin our travel to the ministry site.

Busy Already!

by Rob Graham | March 9, 2015 12:23 PM

We got in very late last night, and the groups split up this morning, some sleeping a little longer and others starting a clinic where over 150 people were already waiting for us at 9am! We will get a group picture tonight at dinner when we all round back up! The group is in very good spirits! The PPM staff are so impressed by the love and flexibility of absolutely every one of the 74 on board! Truly amazing! No sleep - no problem!

Crowds Gather….

by Rob Graham | March 9, 2015 7:50 PM

We had 150 people waiting at just one of the three sites where we worked today. We worked from two churches closer to the village areas, and one team traveled about half an hour to a Mayan village where they saw large crowds as well. Close to 500 people traveled to the clinics today, the work of the local churches to get the word out prior to our coming seems to have paid off!
Crowds Gather….

Pharmacy Field Operation

by Rob Graham | March 9, 2015 7:56 PM

Here's a picture of a field pharmacy at one of the three sites today. The students fulfilled scripts and assisted patients with the help of interpreters.
Pharmacy Field Operation

Doctor Consult

by Rob Graham | March 11, 2015 12:15 PM

The students are enjoying working through diagnosis with the doctors as cases are reviewed. This is a scene multiplied dozens of times across 4 clinic sites per day, 16 clinics this week!
Doctor Consult

House of Restoration

by Rob Graham | March 12, 2015 1:23 PM

One of our four clinic sites Wednesday was an orphanage with children of all ages.
House of Restoration

House of Restoration

by Rob Graham | March 12, 2015 1:25 PM

Another picture from out time at this wonderful home for children who have been seriously neglected.
House of Restoration

17 Clinic Sites In Four Days!

by Rob Graham | March 12, 2015 1:28 PM

This is a typical scene from one of our clinic sites, all of which were conducted out of local churches (with the exception of the orphanage).
17 Clinic Sites In Four Days!

Orphanage Night!

by Rob Graham | March 12, 2015 2:09 PM

The children at the orphanage put on a presentation for us Wednesday night! It was really incredible! We heard the stories of the orphanage's struggles as it was established over the last several years. They now have a wonderful building that is in process of completion. However, a few years ago their building burnt to the ground. No one was injured, apart from the "Papa" of the orphanage who had a beam fall on him as he rescued the children. He and his wife are tremendous servants, and we were all touched by their amazing story and daily sacrifices.
Orphanage Night!

A New Set Of Eyes

by Rob Graham | March 12, 2015 2:11 PM

4 clinics operated an eyeglass station in addition to other medical treatments. Here, an older mayan gentlemen is happy to be getting a set of glasses to correct his vision. He was unable to see at close distances.
A New Set Of Eyes

Mayan Clinic Wait

by Rob Graham | March 12, 2015 2:14 PM

This Mayan village is among three we journeyed to Thursday morning….and it is WELL off the beaten path! Here you can see some villagers lined up outside due to the overflow from inside the building.
Mayan Clinic Wait

Church Set Up

by Rob Graham | March 12, 2015 2:16 PM

Upon arrival at this Mayan village, as with all sites, the first order of business is setting up for patient flow. This includes using whatever materials we have on hand in addition to some ropes and sheets we bring to sites to create some privacy for patients.
Church Set Up

Breakfast Line

by Rob Graham | March 12, 2015 2:19 PM

Each morning we traveled to the same church for a home cooked breakfast! This was a real labor of love hosted by a local church leader. Not only did they get up before the crack of dawn to fix breakfast, they also packed us lunches to go!
Breakfast Line

Well Fed Team!!

by Rob Graham | March 12, 2015 2:21 PM

Every night we ended our day with a fantastic meal. Here you can see one of our hosts carrying a tray of desserts - in this case chocolate covered watermelon and pineapple on sticks! It was DELICIOUS!
Well Fed Team!!


by Rob Graham | March 12, 2015 2:25 PM

The first step at each clinic is the creation of a "SOAP" profile, where patient info is captured to accurately assess the needs of each patient. Here one of our translators helps out. In many situations we were translating from Mayan to Spanish to English - our translators are worn out at the end of the day!

Doctors Have Fun Too!

by Rob Graham | March 12, 2015 2:27 PM

Here's another version of our group picture, this time we decided to make it clear that med students and doctors aren't serious "all the time"….
Doctors Have Fun Too!


by Rob Graham | March 12, 2015 2:30 PM

We all enjoyed serving with Burton Brooks this week. Burton is Praying Pelican Mission's Consul to Central America. From Belize, and fluent in Spanish, Creole & English, along with a great sense of humor & lots of love, all make Burton almost instantly "everyone's big brother".

Fantastic Staff!

by Rob Graham | March 12, 2015 2:38 PM

Usually, on our trip journals we (Praying Pelican) post thoughts from the perspective of the team serving. However, I wanted to take this moment to say what I have already said to the entire team. I have personally never witnessed a more selfless, loving, flexible, mature team in the field! A group follows the pattern of it's leader. Thank you Dr. Stockard, for demonstrating and promoting true servant leadership. You guys ROCK!
Fantastic Staff!

Unseen Servants

by Rob Graham | March 14, 2015 2:10 PM

This is a scene we as a team don't usually see. After the team is in bed, a driver fuels up, and checks the safety items on the bus…..servants always our awesome bus drivers.
Unseen Servants

Beautiful Country

by Rob Graham | March 14, 2015 2:11 PM

Just one of many views we shared this week, of beautiful Guatemala.
Beautiful Country

Meal Preparation Servants

by Rob Graham | March 14, 2015 2:14 PM

Pictured here is Pastor Carlos and his wife, serving us one last time the day of our departure. They worked tirelessly this week to prepare breakfast and lunch for the team of 74 people PLUS all the Praying Pelican staff! Amazing. The fruit here is lovingly cleaned and then cut up, a process that takes hours…and they arrived at 6:15AM!
Meal Preparation Servants

Closing Meeting Devotional

by Rob Graham | March 14, 2015 2:15 PM

The good Doctor led us in a devotional the night of our closing meeting. What a great night of sharing we had as everyone agreed how impacted they were by the mission, and how satisfied we were with the results!
Closing Meeting Devotional

Closing Meeting Smiles

by Rob Graham | March 14, 2015 2:16 PM

Just a quick picture of some of the team during our closing meeting.
Closing Meeting Smiles

Rio Dulce!

by Rob Graham | March 14, 2015 2:19 PM

The day after our closing meeting we loaded up the buses and headed a few hours south to a popular tourist area known as Rio Dulce. We loaded in 6 launches and had a tour of the river ecosystem and sights.
Rio Dulce!

Rio Dulce Wildlife

by Rob Graham | March 14, 2015 2:20 PM

We saw some beautiful birds during our tour.
Rio Dulce Wildlife

Spanish Fortress

by Rob Graham | March 14, 2015 2:22 PM

We enjoyed seeing the remnants of a spanish fortress built in the 1500's. It was constructed to guard the mouth of the river from the entry of pirates.
Spanish Fortress

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Africa's many countries boast a wide array of beauty, culture and needs. Destinations include Kenya and South Africa.


Serve with Praying Pelican across the Caribbean—locations include Haiti, Jamaica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, the Bahamas, and Puerto Rico.


Serve with Praying Pelican across the Central America—locations include Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.


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