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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

CrossWinds Church

Serving In Guatemala
March 29, 2015
Community: Villa Hermosa
Staff: Rob Graham

Arrived and Ready!

by Rob Graham | March 30, 2015 10:07 AM

The team arrived safely and after clearing customs, we settled into our lodging and got to bed around midnight! Everyone had a good nights rest and we've had our breakfast. We're starting a devo in a few minutes as we get a purposeful late start to a day that will end around 1AM tonight after homeless ministry! More updates soon.

Outdoor Breakfast

by Rob Graham | March 30, 2015 6:17 PM

We began our day with a nice outdoor breakfast!
Outdoor Breakfast

Projects Pronto!

by Rob Graham | March 30, 2015 6:19 PM

We jumped into a painting project (which we finished right on time at noon!). Half of the team painted while the other half received training in how to move a conversation from "what is your name" to "how can I pray for you?", led by our PPM staffer Paula.
Projects Pronto!

Prayer IS the Battle

by Rob Graham | March 30, 2015 6:22 PM

Paula, our PPM staffer prays with our interpreter Romani, demonstrating how to affirm someone in a conversation and end in a highlight of empathy, love & prayer. Awesome job Paula!
Prayer IS the Battle

Spontaneous Worship

by Rob Graham | March 30, 2015 6:27 PM

As the painting and training ended and we had a break, the team spontaneously broke out in worship on the back porch of the church. This was the perfect introduction into a talk given by Pastor Ed, on the "how to's" of prayer walking. Steven Requena, youth leader at Nuevo Vision Church, shared how prayer in this very neighborhood massively reduced crime over a period of a few months in the past. Pastor Ed shared that prayer is not a weapon so much as it is the battle, that starts in each of us, as we ask "am I willing to enter this, to take the time to pray, to wrestle within myself until I'm all wrestled out and ready to wrestle for the sake of world - in prayer!" It was an annointed spontaneous time of training and worship, and we all repented and shared tears of joy - God is with us!
Spontaneous Worship

Late Night On the Streets

by Rob Graham | March 31, 2015 10:05 AM

We'll be posting more pictures later today. We finished up last night, arriving back at the lodging about 2:30AM. Some of us are still asleep, rightfully so! But wow, someone made the comment in the midst of our travels last night as we delivered sandwiches and soup out on the streets, they said, "is there anything more fitting of where Jesus would be ministering?" The team sat down on the street with a myriad of homeless men, and many of those men wept sincere tears of gratitude, as they shared that "nobody ever stops to talk to me". There were dozens of people outside of the major hospitals, shivering in the cold, outside, as they are not allowed inside, but have loved ones they traveled with who are admitted and are in various conditions inside the hospitals. Some of these people live for weeks outside the hospitals, some were just there last night. We are undone, and blessed all in one. We did not take pictures of these things, it felt inappropriate. Pray for those on the streets of Guatemala City, and….in your city? Dios Les Bendiga (God Bless You!) As a PPM staffer writing this, I want to tell the families of these youth and adults of Crosswinds, I have never seen a team more comfortable in such dark places, as Daniel shared with me yesterday "light expels darkness, darkness can never expel light, so why aren't we taking it to the darkest places on this earth?" That's profound for anyone, much less someone so young. Thanks for the sacrifices you all made to help this team bless Guatemala!

Fun with local kids

by Rob Graham | April 2, 2015 9:20 AM

In this scene we're playing musical chairs during one of our daily times ministering with the children of Villa Hermosa.
Fun with local kids

Awesome Commitment

by Rob Graham | April 2, 2015 9:22 AM

Pastor Dina cooking up huge pots of a nutritious meal for distribution during our homeless ministry night. Her team's commitment to the poorest of the poor in the city is amazing.
Awesome Commitment

Helping with Preparation

by Rob Graham | April 2, 2015 9:23 AM

Here, the Crosswinds team works in an assembly line fashion to prepare the sandwiches we will pass out during the night time homeless ministry.
Helping with Preparation

Market Skits

by Rob Graham | April 2, 2015 9:25 AM

We all loaded up and headed to a crowded street market to perform four skits with powerful messages. Here the crowd gathers during one of our street skits.
Market Skits

Orphan Testimony Night

by Rob Graham | April 2, 2015 9:31 AM

Up the hill from where we are working and lodging there is a Bible Institute that Praying Pelican Missions has a very strong relationship with. The denomination we are working with has an orphanage about eight hours from here. This week, during holy week, the churches brought the 54 orphans down here so they could do what many families do this week: socialize and have fun. They went to the zoo, played on the grounds of the Institute, etc. Tuesday night we went up there to a service where many of the orphans told their stories, these mostly very young kids, opened up in complete vulnerability and shared about their broken families and why they were in the orphanage, and how thankful they are. The Holy Spirit descended that night, and an hour and a half meeting went on for four hours! Our team prayed with them, Kim and Daniel and others shared in small groups with the kids, etc., it was so impactful for each of us and for the orphans! It's amazing all of the ministry that can happen over just a few days!
Orphan Testimony Night


by Rob Graham | April 2, 2015 9:35 AM

Since holy week results in thousands of people descending on Antigua Thursday through Sunday, we took our "cultural day" of exploring on Wednesday - in Antigua. Some of us had a wonderful guide (Jose!) take us around and he did a great job! Others lounged around and explored. This picture is typical of a myriad of streets in Antigua, and captures the charm of the old city, which is bustling with markets, shops and historical buildings to explore.

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raymond viscaina

April 4, 2015 3:53 PM

heya Noelle! i am sure you're busy. we are so very proud of you and the giving spirit you have. i pray that the work you and the team are doing there has a lasting impact. i know it will have a lasting impact on you. say heya to Jenna. lak bd

The Godfather

April 3, 2015 10:25 AM

Julia, "You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you." John Wooden


April 3, 2015 12:57 AM

Hi Victoria and Team. We are so proud of what you're doing. Sometimes one never knows the impact you have on another's life. For sure the lives you've touched will be enlightened and will continue to do good even after you've left Gustemala. Love you Victoria.

Alexandra Datanagan

April 2, 2015 9:30 PM

Hi World Changers! I sure do wonder what you are up to on your last evening there. I can't wait to hear all the stories. I am so in awe of all of you selflessly giving your time and energy. I pray that you are able to continue your mission here in your everyday lives and are able to inspire other people to do the same. Have a safe and blessed night. See you tomorrow evening!

Gayle and Tim Cusick

April 2, 2015 9:07 PM

Jenna, we've been following your journey with awe and are so proud of you for taking on the Lord's work in such an amazing way. Can't wait to hear all about your trip. Prayers for you and your group and for a safe trip home. We love you.

Lori Mercado

April 2, 2015 8:15 PM

Hey Rube -- can't wait for you to be home! Miss you so much. We had a great time at Pismo Dunesoday, but imagine how my heart skipped a beat when your brother rolled the sand car with him and your dad in it. Thankfully they were ok :). Safe travels home. See you soon. Love mom

Margo Moats

April 2, 2015 7:47 PM

Good Job ALL of YOU to "Do Good" in this world! No matter how large or small the task, it Matters! And enjoy the whole experience (people, place, work, fellowship, etc). These will be Life Lessons!

Joe Q

April 2, 2015 2:12 PM

Hi Carly, Happy to see your smiling face in the pictures and to know you got their safe. (#dadsworryalot) I hope you're having a great time and are loving the lord along the way. You're such a kind and generous young woman, I love you...

Kris Hoheisel

April 2, 2015 1:19 PM

Kymmers so proud of you and this team. i can not wait to hear all the stories you bring back. Miss you! Mom amd dad

Grandma & pa

April 2, 2015 12:38 PM

Chelsey we have looked at all the picts and are very proud of what your doing! LOVE and miss you

raymond viscaina

April 2, 2015 11:39 AM

heya Noelle! i am sure you're busy. we are so very proud of you and the giving spirit you have. i pray that the work you and the team are doing there has a lasting impact. i know it will have a lasting impact on you. say heya to Jenna. lak bd

raymond viscaina

April 2, 2015 11:38 AM

heya Noelle! i am sure you're busy. we are so very proud of you and the giving spirit you have. i pray that the work you and the team are doing there has a lasting impact. i know it will have a lasting impact on you. say heya to Jenna. lak bd

Katherine Marotto

April 2, 2015 11:22 AM

Missing you Madeline! I love you so much. So glad to see you all are having a wonderful time.

Joe Q

April 2, 2015 11:02 AM

Hi Carly, Happy to see your smiling face in the pictures and to know you got their safe. (#dadsworryalot) I hope you're having a great time and are loving the lord along the way. You're such a kind and generous young woman, I love you...

Rae Ann, Bree & Pops Viscaina

April 2, 2015 10:43 AM

My sweet dear NOELLE! Words cant begin to describe how proud we all are of you! What an amazing blessing God has given to you and allowed us to be a part of your journey! Miss seeing your smiling face! He couldn't have chosen a better person to go there and bless others. Keep answering His call! Cant wait to hear all about your trip! Praying for all of your group and for a safe trip home! God Bless each of you! XOXO smooches!

Sophia Sandoval

April 2, 2015 10:31 AM

Wow! My heart is truly overwhelmed with the impact your team has had, Noelle! It makes me happy to see God using you to spread his love, grace, and loving hands. Can't wait to hear all about it! I love you! ?

Jenni and Steve

April 2, 2015 1:36 AM

Hey David it is late here and we are missing our fluffernutter ritual and ethereal conversations with you! Toby is battling depression and missing his master. Michael is not quite sure what to so with himself. Don't let him fool you he has been home every night this week hanging with me cause I'm sooo cool! We can't wait to hear about all your amazing experiences and know that you are touching the lives of many. Be you and be awesome for Him!!' Xxxooo mom and dad

Joe Q

April 1, 2015 6:50 PM

Hi Carly, Happy to see your smiling face in the pictures and to know you got their safe. (#dadsworryalot) I hope you're having a great time and are loving the lord along the way. You're such a kind and generous young woman, I love you...

Ninang Dina

April 1, 2015 6:21 PM

There are no words to describe how proud we are of you Victoria. I am floored how dedicated you are in serving Him and in helping out other people. Keep up the great work. We can't wait to hear all the stories. Come back safe and sound. We all miss and love you so much!!!

Joey Q

April 1, 2015 5:31 PM

Hey Carly! Since you have been gone, it's been weird without you. A little too quiet... Sooo I decided to take the animals, snacks and my homework into your bedroom and turn on your record player as loud as mom would let me. It took a few records getting scratched but I figured out how to use your record player finally . April Fools! Miss you!

John Gardner

April 1, 2015 4:50 PM

Wow! The story of the team's experience in the streets is amazing. For all your friends and family to say we are proud of you is an understatement!! MISS you and LOVE you Marisa & G! And, soooo proud of you both!!

Lori Mercado

April 1, 2015 2:51 PM

I've been having technical difficulties getting my comment to post so hopefully it doesn't post like 5 times....Hey Rube -- Wondering what your up to. Haven't seen a journal entry yet today about all the amazing things you did yesterday. Headed out this morning to get your brother out of the house for a couple of days. Pismo Beach or bust! Dad wanted to see how your jeep does on a road trip. Miss you and wish you were with us but know you are doing great things today. Say hi to Morgan and Fiona for me. ?? Stay safe. Love you, mom

Lori Mercado

April 1, 2015 2:41 PM

I've been having technical difficulties getting my comment to post so hopefully it doesn't post like 5 times....Hey Rube -- Wondering what your up to. Haven't seen a journal entry yet today about all the amazing things you did yesterday. Headed out this morning to get your brother out of the house for a couple of days. Pismo Beach or bust! Dad wanted to see how your jeep does on a road trip. Miss you and wish you were with us but know you are doing great things today. Say hi to Morgan and Fiona for me. ?? Stay safe. Love you, mom

Lori Mercado

April 1, 2015 2:40 PM

I've been having technical difficulties getting my comment to post so hopefully it doesn't post like 5 times....Hey Rube -- Wondering what your up to. Haven't seen a journal entry yet today about all the amazing things you did yesterday. Headed out this morning to get your brother out of the house for a couple of days. Pismo Beach or bust! Dad wanted to see how your jeep does on a road trip. Miss you and wish you were with us but know you are doing great things today. Say hi to Morgan and Fiona for me. ?? Stay safe. Love you, mom

AJ Datanagan

April 1, 2015 2:30 PM

Victoria, do they have potatoes down there? If so, do they itch? Be safe. I love you. #sdheat

Lori Mercado

April 1, 2015 2:00 PM

I've been having technical difficulties getting my comment to post so hopefully it doesn't post like 5 times....Hey Rube -- Wondering what your up to. Haven't seen a journal entry yet today about all the amazing things you did yesterday. Headed out this morning to get your brother out of the house for a couple of days. Pismo Beach or bust! Dad wanted to see how your jeep does on a road trip. Miss you and wish you were with us but know you are doing great things today. Say hi to Morgan and Fiona for me. ?? Stay safe. Love you, mom

Lori Mercado

April 1, 2015 1:55 PM

I've been having technical difficulties getting my comment to post so hopefully it doesn't post like 5 times....Hey Rube -- Wondering what your up to. Haven't seen a journal entry yet today about all the amazing things you did yesterday. Headed out this morning to get your brother out of the house for a couple of days. Pismo Beach or bust! Dad wanted to see how your jeep does on a road trip. Miss you and wish you were with us but know you are doing great things today. Say hi to Morgan and Fiona for me. ?? Stay safe. Love you, mom

Tami gardner

April 1, 2015 1:46 PM

Hi Girls ! Marisa and G. It's our last day in Hawaii and I'm so sad to leave your baby nephew ! He has the best personality and is smiling all the time . We are all so proud of you two and know you are giving all your hearts. We are so thankful to everyone who helped make it possible for u two to be there together. We are praying for you guys. Josh and jasmine say hi and are keeping up with this website . Post more pictures !!!! Love mom

Lori Mercado

April 1, 2015 1:38 PM

I've been having technical difficulties getting my comment to post so hopefully it doesn't post like 5 times....Hey Rube -- Wondering what your up to. Haven't seen a journal entry yet today about all the amazing things you did yesterday. Headed out this morning to get your brother out of the house for a couple of days. Pismo Beach or bust! Dad wanted to see how your jeep does on a road trip. Miss you and wish you were with us but know you are doing great things today. Say hi to Morgan and Fiona for me. ?? Stay safe. Love you, mom

Katherine Marotto

April 1, 2015 12:48 PM

Missing you Madeline! I love you so much. So glad to see you all are having a wonderful time.

Lori Mercado

April 1, 2015 12:27 PM

I've been having technical difficulties getting my comment to post so hopefully it doesn't post like 5 times....Hey Rube -- Wondering what your up to. Haven't seen a journal entry yet today about all the amazing things you did yesterday. Headed out this morning to get your brother out of the house for a couple of days. Pismo Beach or bust! Dad wanted to see how your jeep does on a road trip. Miss you and wish you were with us but know you are doing great things today. Say hi to Morgan and Fiona for me. ?? Stay safe. Love you, mom

Philip Godley

April 1, 2015 12:22 PM

Hey Guys, Every part of me wishes I could have been a part of this adventure with you guys. I know God has already done some amazing things, and I cannot wait to hear about those experiences. I love you all so much. P.S. A small tear rolled down part of my cheekbone when I heard you were serving with Pastor Ed...The following message is intended for him. "Buenas Nachas"

Don Datanagan

April 1, 2015 9:17 AM

You are all HEROES for being a part of something bigger than yourselves! I am SO proud of you Victoria! Can't wait for you to come home and share all your amazing stories! I LOVE and MISS you 2-2!!!

Teeda Nikki

April 1, 2015 12:57 AM

We miss you, Victoria! But if you're absent from me, let it be for Jesus and his work! What you and your team are doing is truly amazing. Imagine the impact you all have on the people you've encountered...even if it's just a moment. Bless you all for the rest of this trip. Enjoy the spiritual high! There's nothing like it!

The Silversmith Family

April 1, 2015 12:03 AM

Hi Ruben! Rylan cannot wait for you to come home so he can jump on you while your napping. Ava to ask you to play catch and Peyton to just follow you around. Jeff and I miss you too, however we love all of the extra parking on the street with your friends knowing you aren't here! We are proud of you! see you soon! Ps. Thanks for letting us take your jeep to Pismo. We can't wait to take it in the dunes! ??????????

Rena McGill

March 31, 2015 11:12 PM

My darling granddaughters Fiona and Morgan Moreno, so proud of the good work you are doing in Guatemala. Be safe and have fun. Hope you are making your bed Morgan!!! Keeping you in my prayers. Love, Grandma xx

Krista Bean

March 31, 2015 10:43 PM

Hi Chance-y, it's really weird knowing you are so far away but I love knowing that you are exactly where you are meant to be! Tomorrow is April Fools Day and here we are, no Chance to tell one of his "amazing" jokes. How will we survive? Just know that you are missed and loved very much! Thanks for putting yourself out there for something that means so much. LOL (that's LoTs of Love, right?) mom

Lori Mercado

March 31, 2015 8:36 PM

Hey Lil_rue -- I heard that you were up way past your curfew last night. What's up with that???? And dad is asking what your're eating since he hasn't seen any charges come through from Mr. Pickles or Chipoltle ?? Want to make sure you're staying hydrated since the gallons of water are still in the fridge. Oh, and since you're not using your Jeep we're taking it to Pismo Beach tomorrow. Can't wait to see pics from today and hear all about the awesome work that your did. Safe safe. Love mom


March 31, 2015 7:22 PM

Sean....I'm beginning to think that you may be out of town....

Alexandra Datanagan

March 31, 2015 6:50 PM

Ah my days are filled with excitement and anticipation of the evening's update. I can't wait to see how you've changed the world today. Victoria - the dog thinks your room is his now so you had better hang on to that air mattress.

Diane Bass

March 31, 2015 4:31 PM

To Rachel Tomlinson and the rest of the team: How wonderful that you are serving those who are less fortunate and especially during Holy Week. Our prayers are with you, and we know you are blessing those whom you are there to serve. Enjoy every minute of this experience!

Kiersten Brooke

March 31, 2015 4:13 PM

It's so amazing to see you all serving God in such an incredible way! May He move in your hearts and speak to you and through you in profound ways this week. Kymee and AiAi, HALLO. I miss you guys so much and am praying for you everyday.

Jan Conway

March 31, 2015 12:54 PM

Congratulations, Jenna and friends, for choosing to do the Lord's work especially during Holy Week!

Beth Marotto

March 31, 2015 10:45 AM

It's wonderful to see all of these pictures. Looks like you've all been very busy. :)

Cheryl & Blair Edsen

March 31, 2015 8:40 AM

Hi Jenn! Glad you all made it there safely. It sounds like everyone is jumping right into the work and they are keeping you busy. We are so proud of you as you share your faith on this fabulous spiritual journey. Blessings to you and Noelle! Love, Mom, Dad and Cassie

Kris Hoheisel

March 31, 2015 7:21 AM

looks like you all had an amazing day yesterday. Praying for your day today. God is amazing and I can see the joy in all your faces in the pictures! Kymee. We are so proud of you and what you are doing. Love you bunches boo, can't wait to hear all the stories! Love mom and dad

Tami Gardner

March 31, 2015 1:31 AM

So proud of you people ! (Marisa and G) glad you are able to experience this life-changing week together. We miss you here in Hawaii !!! ?????? Baby Kianoa sends his love to his aunties !??

Cheryl & Blair Edsen

March 31, 2015 1:11 AM

Hi Jenn! Glad you all made it there safely. It sounds like everyone is jumping right into the work and they are keeping you busy. We are so proud of you as you share your faith on this fabulous spiritual journey. Blessings to you and Noelle! Love, Mom, Dad and Cassie

michael koidal

March 30, 2015 9:11 PM

No need to rush home David its kinda nice having the car all too myself. I hope you know that when you get back your doing all the chores for a week. I have cried my self to sleep every night since you have left. you're the closest thing to a brother i have. just thought i'd tell you know that.

raymond viscaina

March 30, 2015 9:10 PM

heya Noelle! i am sure you're busy. we are so very proud of you and the giving spirit you have. i pray that the work you and the team are doing there has a lasting impact. i know it will have a lasting impact on you. say heya to Jenna. lak bd

Mommy and Mikee

March 30, 2015 8:59 PM

Hey David so glad to hear you made it! The house is so quiet around here, Michael is actually quite enjoyable when not bickering with you... Well love you and miss you tons. I know you are going to do amazing things on your trip and serve GOD as he intended. Be you and Be Awesome xxx

Ryan & Nicole

March 30, 2015 8:42 PM

Oh Patar! Sorry to hear about your woes. Seany Boy! So cool to see you in Guatemala, helping lead others and looking cool with your sunglasses on at breakfast. We love you and miss you. Instead of getting on the plane home you should just catch a bus to Costa Rica... it's only a 22 hour ride. Love, Brother and Sister Mackle

raymond viscaina

March 30, 2015 8:22 PM

heya Noelle! i am sure you're busy. we are so very proud of you and the giving spirit you have. i pray that the work you and the team are doing there has a lasting impact. i know it will have a lasting impact on you. say heya to Jenna. lak bd


March 30, 2015 8:15 PM

Glad to see you there and busy. I will keep you and the group in my prayers, let the love shine and change lives.

Tony Hurley

March 30, 2015 7:27 PM

Hey Jenna, we hope trip is going well. We miss you here. Looking forward to hearing all about it. Love Dad and Mom


March 30, 2015 6:48 PM

Hi all! You are THE BEST... Except for Carly :-)) Hi sweetheart! I was looking forward to talking to you at 3:25 today!!! I hope you are having the best time ever!!! Nana and pops wrote to you! Xxxoooo Mom

Michele Tomlinson

March 30, 2015 6:28 PM

Rachel - I'm enjoying all the pictures and glad you're there safely and already making a difference! "Serving isn't glamorous but it's glorious." This was said in our sermon this week and I immediately thought of you. Love you!

John Gardner

March 30, 2015 6:28 PM

God bless you all as you bring His blessings to all you meet! You're making a difference and you're making memories. Proud of you all and your good work! Love, John

Beth Marotto

March 30, 2015 6:17 PM

I love you SO much Madeline. Glad to hear you got in safety. We're praying for all of you this week. Touch a lot of lives and have a wonderful time. :)

Patrick Mackle

March 30, 2015 6:00 PM

Sean.. You left me with a full dishwasher that I have to clean out all by myself, I made mom late for church and I also didn't water the plants when she asked, SOS

Maya Sommers

March 30, 2015 5:29 PM

Prayers for continued safe travels and a wonderful experience for all of you! God is with you and all of us back home are so proud! <3

Alexandra Datanagan

March 30, 2015 5:02 PM

Hi World Changers! Wishing you all a very safe trip and an extraordinary time there. Can't wait to see pics from the first day.

Lori Mercado

March 30, 2015 2:46 PM

Hey Rube.... Of course I couldn't resist sharing your mission on Facebook (and of course the selfie you let me take with you before heading off). You have such wonderful supporters in your life and everyone is sending you prayers for a awesome trip. I wanted to share a comment from Jason Alley below. Attaboy! Praying for safety and that God would do great things in and through their lives this week. What an awesome experience!


March 30, 2015 2:39 PM

Sean.....It's your turn to empty the dishwasher...I didn't hear you come in last night.....Where are you?!...You really need to keep me apprised of your whereabouts. Text me! XOXO Mom

Brie Lorey

March 30, 2015 1:46 PM

So happy to hear y'all are hitting the ground running. Enjoy all the moments God puts in your path and let Him shine through you. Love to everyone and I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back.

Shannon McNeill

March 30, 2015 1:39 PM

Glad to see you made it safely. Have a wonderful trip. I can't wait to hear all the stories when you return.

Khristin Cooper

March 30, 2015 12:36 PM

I'm glad you all had a safe flight, now the rewarding part starts! Take it all in with an open heart and have fun! I can't wait for more updates and pictures..love Mom&Dad


March 30, 2015 11:09 AM

Glad you arrived safely. Praying for a wonderful experience for all of you. Have a great first day!

Chelsey (Cora) Marazita

March 30, 2015 7:08 AM

Good morning to a new day and new experience. Love you Chelsey <3

b&j breen

March 30, 2015 6:30 AM

Good morning from the ranch. Sending our love and prayers as you wake up in another world. Love, as always, Nana & Pops

Lori Mercado

March 29, 2015 4:26 PM

Safe travels to the team. Can't wait to hear all about your days.

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