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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Alice Drive Baptist Church

Serving In Florida
August 1, 2015
Staff: Linda Castillo

We Have Arrived

by Jamison Flojo | August 1, 2015 7:06 PM

We have arrived to our hotel and are getting ready to have our orientation/pizza meeting (because food is important after a day of traveling) and settling down for the night. Prayers for us as we get to lay our heads down for some much needed rest after a long day on the road.

Sunday Service

by Jamison Flojo | August 2, 2015 4:27 PM

We had the blessing of worshiping with a partner church to our host church. Pastora Ruby preached on John 8:31-32 on the importance of believing in Jesus and knowing him. The worship today was in Spanish and English and was cardio worship, clapping and jumping, what a blessing this morning was. After service we joined the congregation for lunch, potato salad, rice and chicken, yummy.
Sunday Service

Sunday Sunday Sunday

by Jamison Flojo | August 2, 2015 9:15 PM

Today was an amazing God filled day. After lunch some of our team got our VBS organized while the rest of us went out and walked the neighborhood next to 3rd day to pray for the community and invite them to service and to VBS this week. Before we went on our way Linda asked God to give us an object, color or vision and that would be our treasure. The treasure for us to be on the look out for this week. When we saw what God had given us we were to let that person know that God loved them and to offer to pray with them. Josh got a flamingo and thought well being in Florida he would see a bunch of them. His first flamingo (there was only 2) was a gentleman that only spoke Spanish...that was so meant for Josh because he can speak Spanish. He invited him and his come and visit church and told him about the VBS. God is good all the time...All the time God is good. Sarah was given a purple elephant. Well there just happens to be a plant called an elephant ear and there was a purple one. At that house Sarah was able to pray over someone and she said it was such an amazing opportunity. Tiqvah & Trae were touched by the the testimony of the person they were talking to. He said that he was alive and that the events in his life he should not be. But he gave all the glory to God that he was a live.
Sunday Sunday Sunday

Serving God

by Jamison Flojo | August 2, 2015 9:38 PM

Just before dinner we took turns praying over the team members that would be speaking or leading worship tonight for 3rd day church. East Wake Church of God AfterSHOCK Youth prayed over our team and we prayed over theirs. God is so good in how he blends two teams together as one. For dinner tonight we had yummy yummy tostadas, and with full bellies we began the service. We had to do the 3rd day squeeze to get everyone a seat (God is already doing amazing things). Alice Drive Baptist started off the night wish some amazing worship! Ryan gave his testimony tonight and we were blessed by his life story of his trials and how God used those trials as a stepping stone to a strong relations ship with Him.
Serving God

Truth in Teaching

by Jamison Flojo | August 2, 2015 9:43 PM

Adam taught tonight on 1 Corinthians 12:13 reminding us that we are all on body, all part of one church no matter where we come from, what our past was, or where we are now. Once we have chosen God as our savior we ar all one part of God's family. He challenged us to be open to who we will be ministering to this week talking about 1 Corinthians 9:19-23. What an amazing teacher and many Amen's were heard from the congregation tonight.
Truth in Teaching

Sweet Suprises

by Jamison Flojo | August 2, 2015 9:46 PM

Sara a child at 3rd day approached the pastor as we were getting ready for East Wake Church to take their turn leading service. She had a special song she wanted to sing for us. Everyone was blessed by her sweet angelic voice.
Sweet Suprises

Early Morning Devotions

by Jamison Flojo | August 3, 2015 7:12 AM

Our teams does devotions every morning because they want to start their day day right so that they can finish their day right.
Early Morning Devotions

Waking Up

by Jamison Flojo | August 3, 2015 8:24 AM

We got a little morning dancing going today. Monkey Shuffle and happy dance
Waking Up

VBS Excitement

by Jamison Flojo | August 3, 2015 8:26 AM

We are so ready for our first day of VBS. When will the kids get here!!!! We have story time, crafts and songs for them. The start of an amazing week.
VBS Excitement

VBS Day 1 - music time

by Jamison Flojo | August 3, 2015 8:58 AM

The kids are super excited for the music we brought to the table. Every Move I Make was a big hit today.
VBS Day 1 - music time

VBS Day 1 - Playtime

by Jamison Flojo | August 3, 2015 9:02 AM

You can never go wrong playing with a parachute. First we would sit under the bubble, then we called colors to run under the parachute....watch out we had a few bumps under there but so much laughter was heard.
VBS Day 1 - Playtime

VBS Day 1 - Craft time

by Jamison Flojo | August 3, 2015 9:08 AM

We decorated shepards staffs with stickers about psalm 23.
VBS Day 1 - Craft time

End of VBS Day 1

by Jamison Flojo | August 3, 2015 11:10 AM

Wow what an amazing day 40+ kids came to VBS today. We had so much fun seeing the kids we meat last year and meeting new ones. So much laughter today with the craft, rec and all the dancing. Don't you wish you were with us too?
End of VBS Day 1

Praying Over Many Things

by Jamison Flojo | August 3, 2015 12:53 PM

We went on a nature walk with Pastor Ariel and we prayed over North Miami Gardens, Miami and our nation.
Praying Over Many Things

Food Truck Dinner

by Jamison Flojo | August 3, 2015 7:10 PM

Tonight we are in the heart of Hollywood. Food from Italian to burgers. None of us are going home hungry.
Food Truck Dinner

Good Morning Miami

by Jamison Flojo | August 4, 2015 7:15 AM

What a beautiful sunrise today. As we begin day two of our ministries here in Miami we ask that you keep us in prayer for VBS and for our afternoon sports/park evangelism. We are very excited for both and many of us are still looking for our treasure.
Good Morning Miami

Morning Wake Up

by Jamison Flojo | August 4, 2015 8:15 AM

The kids were waiting for us when we arrived at 3rd day with such big smiles on the face. We have made it a little tradition to start our day with a silly dance. Yesterday was the monkey shuffle and today the continental slide. Can you tell we had fun and are now even more excited for our 2nd day of VBS.
Morning Wake Up

VBS Day 2 - Music Time

by Jamison Flojo | August 4, 2015 8:46 AM

Jesus Christ is a super hero has become a favorite song to dance to at music time.
VBS Day 2 - Music Time

VBS day 2 craft time

by Jamison Flojo | August 4, 2015 8:48 AM

We made pictures of when John the Baptist baptized Jesus and the dove came down. The kids liked this they had Jesus dancing in the water.
VBS day 2 craft time

VBS day 2 - Rec time

by Jamison Flojo | August 4, 2015 8:52 AM

We played kick ball today. But the highlight at rec was the quick stack bible verse.
VBS day 2 - Rec time

Sports Ministry

by Jamison Flojo | August 4, 2015 2:46 PM

Today was a hot day here. We supported Eastquake in their sports ministry in the park. We played volleyball, soccer, Ultimate frizbee, twister and made bracelets. There was some water thrown to keep us cool and we had lots of fun. We finished off sports ministry with a story of the golden ticket to heaven by foldin a piece of paper. After a few tears of paper we saw the difference of just doing good things and truly accepting God in our heart.
Sports Ministry

Dinner Time

by Jamison Flojo | August 4, 2015 5:47 PM

Tonight we are in Little Havana for Cuban sandwiches. Yummy and again our tummies are full and happy.
Dinner Time

VBS Day 3

by Jamison Flojo | August 5, 2015 7:54 AM

The kids were waiting for us again as we arrived at 3rd day. We are excited to hang out with them today and then this afternoon we will have our rec time enjoying the beach at Hollywood. Again we ask for prayers for energy and excitement today.
VBS Day 3

VBS Day 3 - teaching

by Jamison Flojo | August 5, 2015 8:53 AM

As we got ready to break off to our various stations today we watched a quick video on Jesus teaching and filling the fisherman's nets to full and breaking. He came to make them fishers of men.
VBS Day 3 - teaching

VBS - music time

by Jamison Flojo | August 5, 2015 8:55 AM

More moving and grooving to worship music. Every Move I Make was so much fun today.
VBS - music time

VBS Day 3 Crafts

by Jamison Flojo | August 5, 2015 8:56 AM

Lots of giggles in craft today...why would you fish for men? The kids craft today had them fill their nets with men not fish.
VBS Day 3 Crafts

VBS Day 3 - Rec Time

by Jamison Flojo | August 5, 2015 8:58 AM

We had relay races today we did bare crawl, skipping, walking backwards to reach our goal.
VBS Day 3 - Rec Time

Day 3 VBS complete

by Jamison Flojo | August 5, 2015 10:57 AM

We didn't let a little rain stop us from a great VBS! We ended with a crowd favorite our theme song and the continental shift. Another great day. We are heading to Hollywood beach for a fun day in the sand and water.
Day 3 VBS complete

Beach Fun

by Jamison Flojo | August 5, 2015 4:47 PM

We had a blast in the water today it was so refreshing. We got sun, played frizbee and some of us even played a pick volleyball game.
Beach Fun

Dinner Time

by Jamison Flojo | August 5, 2015 4:51 PM

We have a beautiful view to eat some amazing tacos and grilled corn for dinner. Look at all of these happy faces.
Dinner Time

Beach Service

by Jamison Flojo | August 5, 2015 10:10 PM

Tonight we were able to reflect on our week and we had an opportunity to share, to share our story, how this week did or didn't turn out how we though, to share how God worked in us and through us this week. We started well before sunset and ended covered by the starts in the heavens. Some very profound sharing was made today, we shared about some of our struggles, how someone was the friend that brought us to know Christ and how many of us missed our dear sister Katie (Bill was very blessed to hear the various stories of how his daughter touched everyone in our group, new and old). We finished the night with some amazing worship. Thank you God for your grace and love.
Beach Service

VBS Final Day

by Jamison Flojo | August 6, 2015 8:15 AM

As we begin our last day of service at 3rd day the kids can already sense that we are getting ready to head home and they are holding us a little tighter in our morning hugs. We are asking for prayers today for us to end on a high note with this church. It is never a good bye but an I'll see you later.
VBS Final Day

VBS tradition

by Jamison Flojo | August 6, 2015 8:18 AM

Oh yeah we started VBS today with our Theme song Don't Ever Stop and finished off with some bubble gum...some of us have some very good dance moves!
VBS tradition

VBS Final Day - Music Time

by Jamison Flojo | August 6, 2015 8:46 AM

Christo Ed mi superhero was so much fun today. These kids love to move.
VBS Final Day - Music Time

VBS Final Day - Rec

by Jamison Flojo | August 6, 2015 8:48 AM

We love the parachute from earlier in the week that the kids asked us to bring it back. So many happy faces trying to keep the ball away from the person in the middle.
VBS Final Day - Rec

VBS Final Day Craft Time

by Jamison Flojo | August 6, 2015 9:38 AM

Today we made bracelets with the kids telling the story of Jesus. Ask us what the colors mean when we get back.
VBS Final Day Craft Time

Water Play

by Jamison Flojo | August 6, 2015 12:37 PM

Drip drip DROP was a big hit today (think duck duck goose but with water) there wasn't a sprinkler system and a kiddy pool. We for to hang out with the kids and cool off in the Miami heat.
Water Play

Final Good Byes

by Jamison Flojo | August 6, 2015 10:43 PM

Tonight at our evening service of gratitude we participated in cardboard testimonies. It is so amazing to see how broken we were and how God is putting us back together. We heard testimonies from Ashlyn and AnnMarget and how God is working in them and through them. We then heard from Bill and how through his many trials in loss of loved ones how God has allowed him to heal, stepping out of his comfort zone being here, where his daughter asked him to be, here in Miami. We had our final team meeting recapping the week and the many adventures that we had. We were reminded to take what we have gotten here in Miami and to take it back to our communities. We spent some time affirming each other in how we saw great works this week. We finished off being prepped to give our 30 second, 2 minute and 30 minute trip testimony to get someone else in our community excited and fired up to go out on the mission field. Pastor Ariel thanked us one more time and says he will see us again soon.
Final Good Byes

On Our Way

by Jamison Flojo | August 7, 2015 6:47 AM

We are on our way back home and to our new mission field. We are being what we learned here in Miami home and continue spreading the word, love and name of God. Keep us in your prayers as we travel home to you.
On Our Way

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