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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Alliance Christian Schools (formerly West-Mont)

Serving In Guatemala
June 23, 2014
Staff: Rob Graham

Ready for West-Mont

by Rob Graham | June 23, 2014 1:02 PM

The Praying Pelican Staff and our Guatemalan partner churches are ready for West-Mont's arrival today! Ready, set…..

Our Home

by Rob Graham | June 23, 2014 1:06 PM

This is the view from the lodging facility where our hosts will be taking good care of us this week!
Our Home

Follow Adam's Blog this week!

by Rob Graham | June 23, 2014 1:09 PM

We encourage you to follow the blog of Adam McLane this week, who is serving alongside the Praying Pelican Missions staff. Great photographs and thoughts…. www.adammclane.com

We're here!

by Ross Reichel | June 23, 2014 11:23 PM

We rolled into the seminary camp where we will be staying throughout the week, settled in and chowed down some Pollo Campero! We're so excited for all that God has planned for us this week!
We're here!

Hammock Time

by Rob Graham | June 25, 2014 12:07 AM

It didn't take long for the guys to get their hammocks up and ready after arriving last night.
Hammock Time

First Day of Ministry

by Rob Graham | June 25, 2014 12:17 AM

We had a terrific breakfast this morning before heading out to Calderas to begin working.
First Day of Ministry

On our way to Calderas!

by Ross Reichel | June 25, 2014 9:38 AM

We hopped on a bus yesterday morning to head out to our primary ministry location for the week -- Calderas. It's a trip through the mountains, various villages and alongside Lago Amititlan to get there, the drive is so beautiful!
On our way to Calderas!

Making Ties

by Ross Reichel | June 25, 2014 9:02 PM

We arrived at Pastor Rafael's church, warmly welcomed by him and his family. The church is situated next to a lake nestled between mountains filled with coffee and corn. We spent the day working alongside the church community, tying re-bar and preparing the foundation for the concrete base. We are extremely blessed to have the privilege of working with such amazing people this week, and are excited to see all that God has in store for all of us!
Making Ties

A day in the life in Calderas

by Ross Reichel | June 25, 2014 10:05 PM

We just rolled back into the seminary after another day of hard work in Calderas. Our morning consisted mostly of mixing and pouring concrete for the base of the shelter, but was seasoned with stunning views of the surrounding volcanoes, a pack of Guatemalan cowboys, our little Guatemalan helpers (the kids of the community), and some VERY sugary coffee. We sent the kids packing to find their friends, then spent the afternoon teaching about the Good Samaritan and continuing with the construction project. We swung by a market to grab some authentic Guatemalan coffee (instant) and had dinner together with our new friends back at the seminary. Please continue to pray for our team -- it's so clear that God is at work through our relationships down here!
A day in the life in Calderas

In Awe

by Ross Reichel | June 25, 2014 10:22 PM

After a full day of ministry, God graced us with an incredible view of Volcan Agua on our ride home. God's beauty is so obvious and present in Guatemala this week. Thank you Jesus for everything you are doing... More, Lord!
In Awe

Playing in the street

by Ross Reichel | June 27, 2014 12:21 AM

We arrived at the church in Calderas this evening, only to be greeted by dozens of the neighborhood kids waiting for us in the street in front of the church. We spent the evening playing volleyball and pick up soccer, then packed out the church for our evening service. Kendra and Patrick both got to share their testimonies, and Señor P ( Elijah ) shared a word about faith.
Playing in the street


by Ross Reichel | June 28, 2014 9:06 AM

"What can we do to help around the school during your meeting?" "O don't worry about it -- just relax." "Seriously. Give us a job. What's something that you and the teachers would never want to do but you know needs to get done?" "Well... you could clean the roof?" And here we are.

The School

by Ross Reichel | June 28, 2014 9:11 AM

We had that chance to make some new friends at a small school in Guatemala City, sharing a time of mutual encouragement, being real about struggles, and supporting one another. And, of course, a very Pollo Campero lunch.
The School

The Crew

by Ross Reichel | June 28, 2014 9:13 AM

The group together with the teachers of the school... love these people so much!
The Crew

Blowing Smoke

by Ross Reichel | June 29, 2014 8:26 AM

We took a short hike up to the other side of Calderas and stopped by a natural volcanic energy plant... check out Pacaya in the top left!
Blowing Smoke

From the other side

by Ross Reichel | June 29, 2014 8:30 AM

We walked to the other side of the lake to check it out... These kids have been following us around and brightening up our day everywhere we go this week!
From the other side

Worship Service

by Ross Reichel | June 29, 2014 8:37 AM

After another full day (our last full one in Calderas!) of mixing concrete by hand, performing a skit with the kids of the community, and taking some time to share about what God has done in our lives with each other, we wrapped up the day with an evening service where we had the opportunity (opportunity = key word this week) to worship together with Pastor Rafael and his church!
Worship Service

One last hoorah

by Ross Reichel | June 29, 2014 9:53 PM

After one last morning drive out to Calderas and a crazy Sunday School together, we shared a time of tear-filled hugs and goodbyes before we parted ways with our Guatemalan brothers and sisters. We were invited to spend the afternoon getting to know some new friends at a rehab center in Guatemala City, then headed to Pastor Mario's church for a worship service. Even though we're still in Guatemala, we're already missing our new family so much! We can't wait until we get to see them again someday!
One last hoorah

Strong Cultural Traditions

by Rob Graham | July 2, 2014 10:01 PM

One thing we witnessed this week is the strong cultural traditions and peoples that are the make up of Guatemala. This woman, dressed in traditional clothing and carrying items on her head, is typical of scenes across the country.
Strong Cultural Traditions

Genuine Partnerships

by Rob Graham | July 2, 2014 10:07 PM

Our new friend and driver Pastor Horaldo and his family insisted we stop by one evening for a meal. It was delicious! This type of activity is typical during our missions in Guatemala. Like all Praying Pelican locations this team has served (Belize and Dominican Republic) - it's the tight relationships to the local ministries and people that make such a deep impact within the lives of all involved.
Genuine Partnerships

An Offering Of Food

by Rob Graham | July 2, 2014 10:13 PM

At the back table in the poor community church where we served in Calderas, sits this basket. Those too poor to make an offering, instead, drop items in this basket to help Pastor Rafael and his family. Later in the week we distributed food to fifteen families in the suburbs of Guatemala City with Pastor Mario and many of his church members. Food is a huge need in Guatemala, and like most issues….it's complicated to determine the cause. But the bottom line is this: families need basic food stuffs.
An Offering Of Food

The Local Church

by Rob Graham | July 2, 2014 10:18 PM

We're thankful the ministry we are assisting with in Guatemala is sustained by the local church - we're just joining in and encouraging them in their ministry! Here you see an elderly member of the church on his knees in prayer thanking God for the food we brought by, and for our time together in fellowship. A local elder of the church is praying for our dear brother.
The Local Church

Long Term Partnership

by Rob Graham | July 2, 2014 10:23 PM

Praying Pelican's partnership in Guatemala is tied to this great man of faith, Pastor Mario! What a beautiful family he has! We're so thankful for his work in preparing two communities and a school to receive our ministry efforts this week! Our partnership with the local school is in great hands with Pastor Mario and PPM's assistance moving forward!
Long Term Partnership


by Rob Graham | July 2, 2014 10:28 PM

The team opted for a last rec day in Panajachel. We took a boat ride around the lake to several villages. In the village of Saint John, were happy to have the opportunity to see a local celebration commemorating St. John. There were loud fireworks followed by a procession through the town.

Lake Atitlan

by Rob Graham | July 2, 2014 10:36 PM

Panajachel is situated on beautiful Lake Atitlan. As we traveled around the lake we were astonished by the views of the three towering volcanoes that surround it! Atitlan is the deepest lake in Central America (over 300 meters) and one of the deepest in the world.
Lake Atitlan

Safely off to the Airport

by Rob Graham | July 2, 2014 10:42 PM

The team got off to an early start today at 4:15am and there were some teary eyes as we said goodbye to our new Guatemalan friends who all got up and came to the airport! (Byron, Stephen, Pastor Haroldo, & Daniel!) and the PPM staff (Ross, Burton and Rob). No doubt, many will be returning to minister here. West Mont has found a marvelous long term partnership opportunity here in Guatemala, God is faithful!

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Bonnie Goodhart

July 1, 2014 5:11 AM

Good morning Tye -Your last pictures convey the impact of the close relationships you've developed over your short time there. It's amazing the love God puts in our hearts if we open ourselves up to it. May you keep these memories forever and grow from them each and every day of your life. You'll be coming home tomorrow and we'll be leaving for W . VA. So sad we won't get to see you when you get home. We're so excited to hear all the details. It will have to wait a few days so save some time for "detail time" next week . We love you and are, as always, so proud of you. We'll call from W. VA. By the way, we won last night 3-0

Audra Nihart

June 28, 2014 9:57 PM

Kendra, I am so enjoying the amazing pictures and the stories of what is going on while you are away. Your team has jumped right in, by the look of it. Tonight, I read the blog and got to "hear" a little about how you touched those around you by sharing a bit of yourself. I am so amazed and the young woman you have become, so blessed and humbled to be your mom, and so excited to see where God is taking you. Keep your eyes on Him, while you're there, and when you come home. He's planned amazing things, and this may just be the beginning. Love you. ~Mom

Richard Pennington

June 28, 2014 10:13 AM

Hey Tyler we can see you are having a memorable experience! We know you will return to the U.S with some of life's lessons under your belt. Keep up the good work and be ready for Tia Elicha to test your new Spanish language skills when you get home!!

Bonnie Goodhart

June 26, 2014 7:42 PM

Heh Tyler. The pictures we are receiving back here are amazing and the Adam's journal is so informative. You are all doing amazing things there for the people and most importantly for the Lord.. We are all so proud of every one of you. Germany beat the US today in soccer but we got we advanced anyway because Portugal lost. The Spartans beat the Pirates tonight 3-1. What a game. The players asked about you. We miss you but are so pleased that you have had this opportunity. Anxious to see what is online for us tomorrow. Love you - keep believing. Mommom and Poppop

Lori Platchek

June 26, 2014 12:03 PM

as i read your updates my eyes water with happiness! I wish my family could be there to be apart of this wonderful ministry. I love seeing you Elijah, your are truly in your element and we miss you and love you so much, and my heart swells up with how proud i am!

Michelle Cocchimiglio

June 26, 2014 10:31 AM

So proud of all of you guys! You are being the light of Jesus to those around you &I'm so excited to hear your stories when you get back! Praying for you so much! Keep it up &remember to be willing &let God lead your every step! This is just the beginning of incredible things happening in Guatemala (:

Joan Royce

June 26, 2014 7:38 AM

So great to see the pictures and get the updates. Love you Tyler

Rachel Pancott

June 26, 2014 6:37 AM

Everytime I see an update and all of these beautiful pictures I become more and more grateful that my son and the entire team are able to experience this extrodinary trip they are on .What a blessing and how you are all blessing others is even more of a blessing ! Miss you Royce but again sooooo proud and happy for you !

Marcia Silkroski

June 25, 2014 10:37 PM

Thanks for the updates and the awesome pictures. You are surely missed at home but we are praying for your time there!! May it be so 'fruitful'.

tanya plotts

June 24, 2014 8:55 PM

hey nathan .... so happy to see the picture of all of you ..[and its looks like a new team member]... the view is amazing .. cant wait to see more .. love you .. mom


June 24, 2014 8:50 PM

Hey Ty- hope you have fun!

Bonnie Goodhart

June 24, 2014 8:15 PM

Heh Tye - hope you enjoyed your first day there. Can't wait to hear all about it. We played Liberty. Justin took the win , 10 runned after 5 innings. Satchel and Jake both had 3 hits. No games til Thursday and that's the big one against the Pirates. Keeping you all in prayer. Love ya.

Buzzy Bergeman

June 24, 2014 7:51 PM

Hey Tye Guy- we are all thinking of you! We love ya and are proud you! Stay safe and do great things! Love and miss ya bud!

barbara hess

June 24, 2014 5:30 PM

Patch hope you have a great time...god bless

Audra Nihart

June 24, 2014 2:17 PM

Kendra, so glad you all arrived safely! It looks like an amazingly beautiful place. I can't wait to see all the things that you will get to do. Stay safe and follow God's leading. Praying for you! Love, Mom

Louise Pancott

June 24, 2014 11:39 AM

Hi Ty! So glad you and your group arrived safely. We know your time there will be purposeful and gratifying. Thoughts and prayers are with you all!

Joan Royce

June 24, 2014 10:52 AM

OH Tyler I am so proud of you!!!!!!!! I wish you all the BEST!!!!!!!! You are all awesome! Love you.

Bonnie Goodhart

June 24, 2014 6:03 AM

Tye and whole gang - Thankful you are there and ready to do God's work. We'll keep you filled in about baseball Tye. You and your friends trust in God and go to work ministering love . You'll touch many lives in so many ways. He will guide you to show them Jesus in your life. The picture is great! Love the smile. Sending our love - Mommom and Poppop

Kathy Coffy

June 23, 2014 7:38 PM

Praying you guys have a are fun trip and are able to touch lives for Chirst


June 23, 2014 5:52 PM

Praying for an incredible week!

Peter and Junia Martin

June 23, 2014 4:29 PM

Rachel, Looks like you will arrive early. The view looks great. Have a wonderful time freely giving and freely receiving. Love Mom and Dad

Marcia Silkroski

June 23, 2014 1:40 PM

Awesome!! Is that Volcan Pacaya in the background?

Rachel Pancott

June 23, 2014 1:15 PM

Wow what a beautiful shot of what they will be viewing from where they are lodging AMAZING !

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