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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Acworth United Methodist Church

Serving In Jamaica
June 27, 2009
Staff: Christopher Fry

Super Saturday!

by Stephanie B. | June 28, 2009 3:04 PM

After a smooth flight into Montego Bay Airport, the Acworth team seemed enthused and ready serve in Jamaica! We traveled to the Nutshell Conference Center in Rio Bueno, got settled in fairly quckly, and then began work right away on preparing for the church service for Sunday and organizing the Vacation Bible School materials. Many of the students practiced their puppet routines, and others cut out what will be "multi-colored coats of Joseph" from paper bags. A few students played soccer with some local children as well. In the evening, we had a great meal of chicken, rice and peas, and pasta salad for dinner, had an orientation meeting, and then got some much-needed sleep. Preparation for Sunday made for a full day!

Sunday - day of worship

by Christopher Fry | June 29, 2009 6:38 AM

It was nice to have a night of sleep after all the travel that accompanied us arriving in Jamaica. After an early morning of travel to get to Jamaica we are all in high spirits and excited about what God has in store for us this week. Since the Jamaica churches are broken into circuits, and Pastor Campbell oversees 4 churches, we were assigned to be at Salem Baptist Church and Grateful Hill Baptist Church. The group at Salem was treated to a chruch with AC, this is a rariety in Jamaica. We were joined by our Jamaican brothers and sisters in-Christ as we worshiped God and gave thanks to Him for all our blessings. The service was a little longer than we were used to, but exciting all the same. After lunch pastor treated us to a wonderful lunch right on the bay. We returned to the Nutshell Conference Center and participated in a workshop of Life Stories. What a way to get to know others in our group ever better and on a deeper level. We returned to Rio Bueno in the evening for a service of prayer and praise where we shared testimonies and favorite Bible verses. It was an awesome way to set the stage for the week and make sure that our mission trip is covered with God's hedge of protection. Tomorrow morning we are up bright and early for school devotions....


by Christopher Fry | June 29, 2009 6:41 AM

During our evening service in Rio Bueno we were able to share testimonies, faith stories, and favorite Bible stories.

Monday Ministry

by Emily Porter | June 29, 2009 9:04 PM

After breakfast this morning we headed to Rio Bueno Primary school where we had the opportunity to lead the school in morning devotions. We led the students in music, then read them some of our favorite Bible verses. After devotions, we headed to Rio Bueno Baptist church to work on construction. Today's construction project consisted of scraping and breaking the damaged cement of the walls of the church. Our goal is to break down the old walls so that we can fill in the holes with new cement. After constuction we did some prayer walking. During this time we had a chance to see more of the Rio Bueno community. We prayed for the community and the people who live in the community. We also had a chance to meet and talk with some people who live in the area. Towards the end of the afternoon, we headed back to Rio Bueno Primary school for Vacation Bible School. We put on a puppet show to tell the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors. The kids loved it! The children also enjoyed snacks, music, and crafts. They are excited to see us again tomorrow! Thanks for all your prayers and support! To God be the glory!
Monday Ministry

Terrific Tuesday!

by Stephanie B. | June 30, 2009 9:29 PM

To start the day, the team went to Rio Bueno Primary school to lead devotions. The students sang, spoke, and read bible verses. After devotions, we found out that there was only one teacher for the whole school that day (the principle was gone, and the other teachers were sick), so they asked if a few people from the team could stay back and help with the school day. We decided it was a great opportunity to serve by doing Vacation Bible School right then instead of at 3 pm like originally planned. The teacher was in quite a desperate situation, and did not have anything planned for a whole school full of kids, so the VBS was quite a support for her--she was VERY thankful! The VBS lesson focused on the Jonah story--the Acworth team performed the story with puppets, made fish necklaces (which the children went crazy over), and played Capture the Flag. After VBS, the team moved on to do construction work, and some also walked around the community, picking up garbage. After construction, the team had the opportunity to go to an Infermary in Falmoth, where they visited with residents. The team sang songs to the residents, shared testimonies, and read scripture, and the residents sang songs back to the team. We had quite a long song time, as it went on for about 45 minutes! But the residents were happy we came, and were thankful for our company and encouragement. The team enjoyed themselves too. Another full day here in Rio Bueno--thank Jesus!
Terrific Tuesday!

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July 2, 2009 6:10 PM

Hey ya'll! I hope you guys had an awesome day at the beach today and had fun finishing up work at the church. Padre and I were pretty sad that we had to leave early and it was strange going into the airport without 30 other people. Ha ha! I just wanted to let you guys know that I had an amazing time with all of you and I can't wait to hear all about the waterfalls. Oh, by the way, I'm already up to 470 pictures from Stanley and Blue combined. That's not counting the 2 and a half rolls of film from Phillis. Anyways, good luck getting through the airport tomorrow...it's quite a headache and I'll see ya'll when you get back to the ATL. P.S. All five of us want to give a huge thanks to everyone for supporting us during this time. You guys are absolutely amazing. P.S. P.S. Thanks to everyone who had to deal with the passport situation yesterday. I am so sorry! :]

Ms. Kay

July 2, 2009 7:05 AM

Hey Gang! Today is the day for the Falls, yeah. Hope you had a great time there. We are looking forward to your homecoming tomorrow. In case you haven't heard Cheri Witt suffered a heartattack Wednesday night after VBS. The doctors do have her stable has best has can be. Sorry for the news but I thouhgt you might like to know and pray for the Witts. Miss you Josh & Mary Kathleen. Love, Mom

D Hall

July 2, 2009 4:02 AM

Hello to all our friends at AUMC. I wanted you to know that Lindsey and I made it home safely yesterday with so much help from our friends at Praying Pelicans. Special thanks to Christopher for going beyond the call of duty to make sure that we got to the airport (and out of airport!) on time. I can't begin to write the proper words that would express the extent of my joy, love and appreciation for being on this team and serving our Lord Jesus Christ with you in Jamaica. I'm so proud of each of you and even though I can't be with you tonight, I know that your hearts have been incredibly warmed by the things you have done and seen this week. I know that a piece of my heart now belongs to the people of Jamaica and I would guess you feel the same. You have blessed them in a special way and I suspect you have felt that same blessing from them. I can't wait to hear all about the worship and celebration service at Rio Bueno Church on Wednesday and about the fun you had in Ocho Rios. To my friends from Indiana and Nebraska, it was a joy serving along with you. May God continue to bless you in your future ministires and hopefully our paths this side of heaven will cross again soon. Lastly, Lindsey and I are grateful for your prayers and support of our family. We are deeply saddened by the loss of a very special lady who can best be described in one word.... "Angel". We are praying for your safe return and can't wait to see you again. I love you all more than you will ever know. D Hall P.S. I leave you with a quote from a tombstone that Terri and I saw at the church next to the school where we visited earlier this week. I thought it was great. "As long as you have memories yesterday remains. As long as we have hope tomorrow waits. As long as we have love today is beautiful". You guys rock!

Carolyn Keener

July 1, 2009 8:28 PM

Hey Kellie! I am so proud of you and the work you guys are doing. Keep up the good work and God bless!

Krista Silhavy

July 1, 2009 11:50 AM

Sounds like you all are having a blast and having fun with the puppet shows, not to mention it appears you all were life savors today at the school. Way to go, and thats the way to step up and show Gods love and support!!! Its really hard to believe that it has only been 4 days. It feels like you all have been gone for weeks!!! I miss you and love you, Jenna, and I hope you are having a great time!! Love you all and GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Masons

July 1, 2009 7:29 AM

Keep Up The Good Work, Kiddos! Sounds like you're doing an amazing job!

Julie Ellingson

July 1, 2009 7:21 AM

Hello Everyone! It's fun to read the trip updates and comments. Sounds like everyone is having a great time! I can't wait to hear more about everything. Drew, Smokey is being very clingy to me.... he misses you! Sam, Boomer misses you, I might have to take him out for a spin :) Brad, I miss you, hope you're not working yourself to death! Nathan came home from Glisson last night. I was expecting him today, so that was a nice surprise. Take care and enjoy the day on Thursday!

Kathy Bailey

June 30, 2009 9:24 PM

We were glad to hear you all made it to Jamaica with all your luggage. It sounds like you are having a great time while bringing God's word to so many. I'm praying for each of you to be blessed as you are sharing God's message. Kelsey, it seems like you have been gone forever! We love you and can't wait to hear all about this trip. Love, Mom, Dad and Kirstin

The Jones

June 30, 2009 8:02 PM

A big hug and sloppy kiss to our Special K and Joshee. Miss you! Love ya'lls group picture! Wow, you have only been there three days and have done alot. Question, have you had to use the earplugs helping? I can't wait to find out why you needed them. We are looking forward to you coming home and hearing your stories. P.S. Please tell Murl that Vic is doing fine, but he misses his family. P.S.S. Susan , I got to have dinner with your dad and Wanda last night, it was fun. Praying for you all. Love, Ma Jones

Glenda Imhoff

June 30, 2009 7:16 PM

You guys are in our thoughts and prayers. We think you are awesome. Tell Murl we said to behave. Ha! Ha! Love, The Imhoff's

Taylor Brunson

June 30, 2009 3:59 PM

We all miss you over here, Ms. Maggie Troutman! We hope you are having a blast down there while puting a smile on everyones face as yall spread the word of God. Yall are doing a great thing and wish yall the best! The Brunson's


June 30, 2009 11:52 AM

Hello to Susan! Been thinking about you guys. Wanted to let you know Rebecca is doing great! Enjoy the rest of your time. XOXO

Daniel, Julie and Kaitlyn Lehman

June 30, 2009 10:32 AM

We are happy to hear everyone arrived safe and sound to Jamaica. It is also great to hear the group is doing great things for the church and community. Ncik we are very proud of you and keep up the great work...Love Mom, Dad, Kaitlyn, Ginger, Gretel and Gus...

The Spencers

June 30, 2009 9:48 AM

Hey Guys! Wow! It is so quiet around here! Kristin went to Arkansas, so there is no one here for me to talk to.....you know that is HARD for me!! I am praying for you and know that you are doing God's work with pride! How do the Jamaicans like the checker-board hair cut??? Have you had any volunteers that want the same hair-do? Be safe and spread God's love to ALL!! I miss you Corey! 1-4-3!! Mom :o)

Daniel, Julie and Kaitlyn Lehman

June 30, 2009 9:47 AM

We are happy to hear everyone arrived safe and sound to Jamaica. It is also great to hear the group is doing great things for the church and community. Ncik we are very proud of you and keep up the great work...Love Mom, Dad, Kaitlyn, Ginger, Gretel and Gus...

The Masons

June 30, 2009 4:17 AM

I'm happy you made it there safe and sound, and are working so hard. Have fun!

Mark, Jeanine and Jared

June 29, 2009 6:45 PM

We hope your first full day of missions was a success! We are keeping all of you in our prayers. Remember, with God, all things are possible. Love you Hayden :)

Krista Silhavy

June 29, 2009 6:43 PM

I'm sure you are all having a blast and I pray you are showing each and every person you encounter the love and amazing power of our Lord. Be safe and have an amazing time, this is one trip you will never forget and it will touch you forever. Love all y'all and GOD BLESS YOU!!! P.S. I love you Jenna!!

Kathy and Jerry Silhavy

June 29, 2009 5:29 PM

Oh by the way, WE LOVE AND MISS YOU JENNA. We pray that God is working through you and giving you the words to bring others to Him. We know you are doing a wonderful job and having the time of your life. Enjoy it because it will be over before you know it......

Kathy and Jerry Silhavy

June 29, 2009 5:16 PM

Hope that each of you are growing closer with God as you share His word with others. We pray that you find strength in Him to continue each day with peace and harmony and show His love to all those around you. Have a wonderful time.....

Christine Hart

June 29, 2009 7:35 AM

It was great to hear you all made it safely and to see the picture of everyone! You are in our thoughts and prayers. It sounds like you are having a great time and doing wonderful things. We miss you Megan! Christine

The Troutmans

June 28, 2009 6:46 PM

We miss you Maggie and hope that everyone's having a great time. We hope that everyone is safe and spreading God's word throughout JamaIca. Be safe and we will pray for all of you. =D

Terri Brown

June 28, 2009 4:43 PM

Glad to hear the flight over went smoothly. Our prayers are with everyone on the trip . . .we know the people their are grateful for your presence and your work to be performed this week. Hugs and kisses to Shelby . . .we love you!!!

Leslie Keener

June 28, 2009 2:54 PM

Hey Kellie! I miss you! I was so bored yesterday that I cleaned and organized your closet - found a lot of misisng things too! Don't worry - you will love it! Have a blessed day tomorrow and don't forget to take pictures, writie in your journal and most of all give thanks to Jesus for this amazing trip you are on! I love you! Mom

Kris shock

June 28, 2009 2:47 PM

Hey Courtney! Missed you this morning...your brother thought that we didn't have to go to church this morning because you weren't home! Boy, was he in a bad mood when we told him he had too anyway!!! You can imagine his growling and pouting :) The kids from VBS performed this morning- wish you could have seen all your kids singing their songs. Too Cute! We miss you tons (well, dad and I do :) and can't wait to hear about all you are doing!

davidnkay jones

June 28, 2009 6:10 AM

Godd Morning everyone! Hope everyone had a good nights rest and are ready for a new adventure. We praying for you. PS. Extra love to MK & JJ


June 28, 2009 6:08 AM

I am glad to hear that you made it safely! I've been praying for you guys! Be safe and have fun!

Scott and Judy Zorn

June 28, 2009 5:04 AM

Hello Everyone, Have a great time and we thank you for your efforts in Jamaica.

Kathy Thompson

June 27, 2009 6:58 PM

So glad you all got there safely and know you are in for a wonderful week! We are keeping you in our prayers!

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