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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

First Baptist Church Mathiston

Serving In The Dominican Republic
June 22, 2024
Community: Barahona
Partner: Casa de Gracia
Staff: Francisco Martinez, Luis Manuel Feliz

First Day in Barahona!

by Francisco Martinez | June 22, 2024 10:44 PM

We arrived in Santo Domingo this afternoon and hit the ground running! After picking up our team from Mississippi, we made a quick stop at La Sirena (Walmart) in Baní to grab some snacks. The energy was high as we continued the journey to Barahona.

Upon arrival, we were met with open arms and huge smiles by Pastor Ruperto and the enthusiastic youth group from his church. We shared a delicious dinner and then dived into an orientation meeting. 

Barahona, here we come! We're excited to see what God has planned for us tomorrow, starting with the Sunday morning service and an afternoon prayer walk. Stay tuned for our next update!

First Day in Barahona!

Sunday Morning Service: A Spiritual Uplift

by Francisco Martinez | June 23, 2024 1:01 PM

Our hearts were filled with joy as we gathered for Sunday morning service at Iglesia Cada de Gracia. Pastor Ruperto had invited Pastor Will to deliver the message, and he did not disappoint.

Drawing from 2 Timothy 1, Pastor Will's sermon centered on the importance of believers standing strong in the Lord and sharing the Gospel with others. His message was a powerful reminder of our faith and the impact we can have on those around us.

The church was truly edified by Pastor Will's words, and we left the service feeling inspired and encouraged. All glory to God!

Stay tuned for our next journal entry, where we'll share about our afternoon prayer walk.

 Join us in prayer for the people of Barahona and for the continued success of our mission trip.

Sunday Morning Service: A Spiritual Uplift

Spreading God's Love in the Community

by Francisco Martinez | June 23, 2024 3:51 PM

This afternoon, we divided into five groups and partnered with members of the church to spread God's love throughout the community.

We visited homes, prayed for individuals and families, and shared the message of hope and salvation. It was a truly blessed and productive afternoon, filled with heartwarming moments of connection and spiritual nourishment.

We're grateful for the opportunity to serve alongside our local partners and witness the transformative power of faith.

Looking Ahead:

 Monday: Service project in the morning, followed by Vacation Bible School for children in the afternoon.

Prayer Request:

Please pray for continued guidance and strength as we continue our mission in Barahona. Your prayers are greatly appreciated!

Spreading God's Love in the Community

Monday Morning: Making a Difference.

by Francisco Martinez | June 24, 2024 12:28 PM

This morning's service project focused on repairing the front of Iglesia Casa de Gracia. With shovels and smiles, working together to transform the church's exterior. The energy was palpable as we collaborated with our local partners, fueled by a shared desire to serve.
Looking Ahead:
 This Afternoon: Vacation Bible School (VBS) for the children! We're excited to share the joy of faith with our young friends.

Prayer Request:
Please pray for a fun-filled and impactful VBS experience for the children. Your prayers are always appreciated!
Monday Morning: Making a Difference.


by Francisco Martinez | June 24, 2024 1:14 PM

Everyone is involve.


VBS: A Day of Fun and Faith

by Francisco Martinez | June 24, 2024 4:46 PM

This afternoon, our Vacation Bible School (VBS) was buzzing with excitement as we welcomed 125 children eager to learn about God's love and power. The story of Daniel and the lions' den captivated their attention as they witnessed Daniel's unwavering faith in the face of danger. We emphasized the importance of trusting and worshipping God, finding security and strength in Christ Jesus.

VBS: A Day of Fun and Faith

Pt 2

by Francisco Martinez | June 24, 2024 4:49 PM

The afternoon unfolded into a whirlwind of fun and engaging activities, with the children eagerly participating in arts and crafts, games, balloon creations, and energetic dances. Their laughter and smiles filled the air as they immersed themselves in the joy of the moment.

We're thrilled to continue VBS tomorrow, anticipating an even larger group of enthusiastic children from the church and community. Stay tuned for more updates on our mission trip adventures!

Pt 2

Landon preaching to the children.

by Francisco Martinez | June 24, 2024 4:50 PM

Telling the story of Daniel.
Landon preaching to the children.

A Birthday Celebration to Remember

by Francisco Martinez | June 24, 2024 10:13 PM

Tonight we were thrilled to celebrate Jennifer's birthday with a heartwarming surprise! With the help of the church's youth group, we planned a special moment for Jennifer, filled with laughter, joy, and of course, cake!

It was a night filled with joy, camaraderie, and the spirit of celebration, perfectly capturing the essence of our mission trip – bringing people together, fostering community, and spreading love.

A Birthday Celebration to Remember

Breaking Barriers: Women in Construction

by Francisco Martinez | June 25, 2024 9:25 AM

Today marked our second day of construction work, and let me tell you, these ladies are proving that gender stereotypes are nothing but outdated notions! With shovels in hand and determination in their hearts, the female participants of our group stepped up to the challenge, tackling the tasks with enthusiasm and skill.

Side by side with the men and some of the church members, they mixed cement and worked tirelessly to transform the construction site. Their energy was infectious, and their dedication was truly inspiring.

In a world that often tries to limit women's roles, these ladies are redefining expectations and proving that they can handle anything they set their minds to. They are not only building structures but also breaking down barriers and paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable future.

As we continue our mission trip, we are witnessing firsthand the power of women's empowerment and the transformative impact they can have on their communities. Stay tuned for more updates on our journey!

Breaking Barriers: Women in Construction

Pastor Ruperto: Leading by Example

by Francisco Martinez | June 25, 2024 9:32 AM

In the midst of our construction efforts, we were thrilled to witness Pastor Ruperto actively participating in the work alongside our group of missionaries from MATHISTON, MS. His presence and involvement served as a powerful reminder that leadership is not just about giving orders but also about rolling up one's sleeves and getting involved.


Pastor Ruperto: Leading by Example


by Francisco Martinez | June 25, 2024 9:36 AM

Adding Water to the Cement Mix

Reaching New Heights: Construction Continues on the Second Floor

by Francisco Martinez | June 25, 2024 12:07 PM

Our construction efforts are soaring to new heights as we tackle the second floor of the church. With unwavering determination and a collaborative spirit, we're making steady progress, transforming the church's structure one block at a time.

The women of our group continue to play a pivotal role in our endeavors, their contributions extending far beyond traditional gender stereotypes. They're wielding tools, mixing cement, and offering their expertise, demonstrating that hard work and dedication know no gender boundaries.

Reaching New Heights: Construction Continues on the Second Floor

Tuesday Night Bible Study: Delving into Paul's Letter to the Philippians

by Francisco Martinez | June 26, 2024 5:29 PM

On Tuesday evening, our mission group gathered for a thought-provoking Bible study, delving into the profound wisdom of Paul's letter to the Philippians. Divided into smaller groups based on gender and age, we engaged in lively discussions, exploring the themes of joy, contentment, and unwavering faith amidst life's challenges.

We are grateful for the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions and deepen our understanding of the Bible together. 

Tuesday Night Bible Study: Delving into Paul's Letter to the Philippians

Wednesday's Mission: Serving the Batey 2 Community

by Francisco Martinez | June 26, 2024 5:44 PM

On Wednesday morning, our mission group embarked on a journey to the Batey 2 community, a small settlement nestled amidst sugarcane fields and inhabited by both Dominican and Haitian residents. With hearts full of compassion and hands ready to serve, we set out to make a tangible difference in the lives of those living in this marginalized community.

Upon arrival at Batey 2, we were greeted by warm smiles and a sense of genuine welcome. The community's resilience and spirit were evident despite the challenges they faced due to limited resources and infrastructure.

Our mission for the day was clear: to construct the foundation for a much-needed kitchen-dining hall. This space would serve as a central gathering point for the community, providing a place for families to come together, share meals, and foster a sense of unity.

Wednesday's Mission: Serving the Batey 2 Community

Spreading Joy and Faith: VBS in Batey 2

by Francisco Martinez | June 26, 2024 5:51 PM

As the afternoon sun cast its golden glow over Batey 2, our mission group transformed into a vibrant hub of laughter and joy, hosting a VBS (Vacation Bible School) for the community's children.

The air crackled with excitement as the children gathered, their faces beaming with anticipation. We kicked off the afternoon with a medley of energetic songs, their voices blending in a harmonious chorus that echoed through the makeshift classroom.

Next came the captivating story of Daniel, a tale of unwavering faith and divine intervention. The children listened intently as we recounted Daniel's courageous stand against the king's decree, his unwavering belief in God, and his miraculous rescue from the lions' den.

Their imaginations soared as we transformed the room into a creative haven, filled with colorful crafts, whimsical face painting, and a shower of iridescent bubbles. The children's laughter filled the air as they unleashed their artistic talents, their faces adorned with vibrant designs and their hands busy crafting masterpieces.

As the afternoon drew to a close, we gathered once more for a closing song, our voices blending in a harmonious tapestry of joy and praise. The children's faces radiated with happiness, their hearts filled with the warmth of faith and the joy of camaraderie.

Reluctant goodbyes were exchanged as we prepared to depart, promising to return with more adventures and lessons to share. The children's pleas for us to stay echoed in our ears, a testament to the impact we had made on their young lives.

With hearts brimming with gratitude, we left Batey 2, carrying the echoes of laughter and the spirit of shared joy. Ahead of us lay our farewell service at Pastor Ruperto's church, a time to express our appreciation for the community's hospitality and reflect on the transformative power of faith and service.

The VBS in Batey 2 served as a poignant reminder of the innocence, resilience, and boundless joy that children possess. It was a privilege to share a glimpse of God's love and the power of faith with these precious souls, leaving an indelible mark on their hearts and ours.

Spreading Joy and Faith: VBS in Batey 2

A Fond Farewell: Our Goodbye Service

by Francisco Martinez | June 26, 2024 10:19 PM

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the gathered crowd, we held our farewell service outside of Pastor Ruperto's church. The air was filled with a bittersweet mix of gratitude and sadness as we prepared to bid farewell to our beloved mission group.

The evening began with a chorus of uplifting songs, our voices blending in a harmonious expression of praise and thanksgiving. Each note resonated with the shared experiences, friendships forged, and the profound impact we had made on the communities of Barahona and Batey 2.

A young woman from the church stepped forward, her voice trembling with emotion as she shared her personal testimony. Her words painted a vivid picture of the transformative power of faith and the impact of our mission work on her life. Her story served as a powerful reminder of the ripple effect of our actions, the unseen ways in which we touch the lives of others.

The mission group then took center stage, presenting a heartfelt song in English, their voices carrying across the gathering, a bridge of connection and shared experiences. The melody echoed through the night air, a testament to the bonds of friendship and the universal language of love and service.

The church's youth group followed, their voices filled with gratitude as they expressed their appreciation for the mission group's dedication and kindness. Their words were a heartwarming reminder of the positive impact we had made on the younger generation, inspiring them to embrace the spirit of service and compassion.

As the evening drew to a close, Pastor Ruperto stepped forward, his voice filled with emotion as he expressed his deepest gratitude to the mission group for their unwavering commitment to serving the communities of Barahona and Batey 2. He praised their selflessness, their willingness to step outside their comfort zones, and their unwavering faith in the power of God's love to transform lives.

A touching moment followed as each member of the mission group received a small token of appreciation, a tangible reminder of the impact they had made on the community. The gifts were exchanged with heartfelt hugs and words of gratitude, a symbol of the deep connections forged during our time together.

Finally, as the night drew to a close, we gathered in a circle, hands joined, for a closing prayer. Our voices rose in unison, seeking God's blessings upon our journey home, praying for safe travels, continued strength in our faith, and the opportunity to return the following year to continue our mission of love and service.

With heavy hearts but spirits filled with gratitude, we bid farewell to our friends in Barahona and Batey 2. The memories of shared experiences, the impact we had made, and the bonds of friendship we had forged would forever be etched in our hearts. As we embarked on our journey home, we carried with us the profound reminder that even the smallest acts of kindness and compassion can have a ripple effect, transforming lives and communities in ways we may never fully comprehend.

A Fond Farewell: Our Goodbye Service

Thursday's Escape: A Day at the Beach

by Francisco Martinez | June 27, 2024 10:08 AM

As our mission week drew to a close, we decided to indulge in a well-deserved day of relaxation and rejuvenation, venturing to the pristine beaches of Barahona's coastline. The sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow over the turquoise waters and inviting us to embrace the beauty of nature's embrace.

Thursday's Escape: A Day at the Beach

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So proud of Mathiston First Baptist Church for allowing God to use them through this .. especially my girl Georgia Bland!

June 25, 2024 11:04 AM

Praying for the team daily..

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Final goodbye

Wheaton Bible Church

Chicago, IL | June 27, 2024

Lovely Soul

Timberline Church

Alaska | June 27, 2024

No level? No problem.


Pittsburgh, PA | June 27, 2024

Feeding body and soul

Bethel Church

Kentucky | June 27, 2024

Affirmation Beads

MissionView Church

Pittsburgh, PA | June 27, 2024





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