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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

ChristPoint Methodist Church

Serving In Gulf Coast
May 27, 2023
Community: Lake Charles
Partner: SWLA Responds
Staff: Almando Jean Louis, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Kauranen

Welcome To Lake Charles

by Jacob Kauranen | May 27, 2023 10:21 PM

Tonight the ChristPoint team arrived safely in Lake Charles. The PPM team, Mount Olive Baptist Church, and SWLA Responds are beyond excited to partner with them this week and serve God and others in the local community.

After their arrival, we had a great orientation and time of fellowship. In the morning we have the pleasure of visiting Mount Olive Baptist Church for their Sunday service.

As we begin our week please pray for our team to be a light to others and show the love of Jesus to every person we encounter throughout the week. Also pray that the ChristPoint team can grow closer as a group, and that what they start here would continue as they go home, and they can impact the Lindale, TX community as well.

We appreciate all of you back home supporting and praying for us.

We love you guys! God bless!

Two Fields, One Choice

by Jacob Kauranen | May 28, 2023 1:56 PM

We had a beautiful time of worship with Mount Olive Baptist Church this morning. Pastor Braylon taught from the parable of the prodigal son. He related the two sons and their situations to two fields we all choose from. One field, the good field, is a field of being a son, and full of sowing and support. The other field, the bad field, is a field where you are solo, a slave, and in slop. We have the choice of what field we are going to be in. We need to choose to be in Christ's field. 

Two Fields, One Choice

Pastor Braylon

by Jacob Kauranen | May 28, 2023 2:03 PM

After the service Pastor Braylon met with our team and we enjoyed a delicious lunch of Buffi's Peaux Boys.

Pastor Braylon

The First Coat is Prayer

by Almando Jean Louis | May 29, 2023 11:16 AM

 at 11:14 AM

One of our projects this week is painting sister Joan's house. 

Sister Joan is battling a stage 3 cancer. Her wish is to make her house as welcoming as it can possibly be for visitors. A fresh coat of paint will definitely help make that happen. 

This morning, along with the First United Methodist team, we laid hands on the house and prayed for the place and sister Joan. We believe that God can heal her if it is His will. 

In the meantime, we are covering her with love and care. We are blessed to be a part of sister Joan's story. 

God bless you, sister Joan! 

The First Coat is Prayer

Lunch Break

by Jacob Kauranen | May 30, 2023 10:30 PM

Jason, Jack, and Matthew enjoy some much-needed rest after working hard. This trio brought so much spunk and unique energy to the group. What are the odds?

Lunch Break

Swamp Tour!

by Ben Rhodes | June 1, 2023 6:35 PM

This morning our team had the amazing opportunity to cross on over to Texas where we went on an amazing swamp boat tour lead by our amazing boat Captain, Eli. We learned lots about the history of the swamps in Texas and Louisiana and saw so many beautiful things, as well as a few scary things! We were able to really see a different part of the beauty of Gods creation today. 

Swamp Tour!

Duck Duck Paint

by Jacob Kauranen | June 1, 2023 6:35 PM

Our group was able to paint the local park bathrooms on Wednesday. We applied a coat of white to the walls. It was a reminder that Jesus has washed our sins away and now they are white as snow (Isaiah 1:18). After we finished our project, we got to enjoy feeding the ducks and watching them swim around as a flock. 

Duck Duck Paint

Continue Your Impact

by Praying Pelican Missions | June 5, 2023 11:57 PM

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