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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Maryville First United Methodist Church

Serving In Minneapolis - Saint Paul, MN
July 5, 2023
Community: Near North (Minneapolis)
Partner: Feed My Starving Children - Coon Rapids, Hospitality House Youth Development, Shiloh Temple International Ministries
Staff: Laura Yoch, Rachel Spenst, Sarah Nunnally

Hello Andover!

by Sarah Nunnally | July 5, 2023 10:29 PM

We have arrived at our host church for the week! We stopped at the Ukraine center and saw the sculpture garden. Travels went smoothly! Everyone is settling in for the night to be ready to work with our partners tomorrow.

Kicking Off Ministry!

by Rachel Spenst | July 6, 2023 11:25 AM

We started off our week of ministry today by serving at Feed My Starving Children. We got to learn about the mission of this organization and hear stories of the children whose lives have been impacted by the food they provide. We were excited to jump in and help pack food, hair nets and all!

Kicking Off Ministry!

All Smiles for Food Packing

by Rachel Spenst | July 6, 2023 10:21 PM

We had a great time packing food at Feed My Starving Children today! It was not only a fun team experience but also an opportunity to bless children in need around the world.

All Smiles for Food Packing

Shiloh Temple Work Projects

by Sarah Nunnally | July 6, 2023 10:22 PM

Everyone worked so hard on their projects today! We had people organizing the kitchen, fixing chairs, and doing lawn work. We got several complements on how the lawn now looks and our partners were very excited about the progress. 

Shiloh Temple Work Projects

Bible Study Time

by Sarah Nunnally | July 6, 2023 10:24 PM

We had a great devotional about Abraham and how he was called out of his comfort zone and learned to trust God with his life. 
Bible Study Time


by Sarah Nunnally | July 6, 2023 10:27 PM

Being able to worship together after a long day and hearing everyone’s voices together is such a special opportunity!

Hospitality House!

by Rachel Spenst | July 6, 2023 10:27 PM

This afternoon, some of us partnered with Hospitality House Youth Development. This ministry serves children in the Minneapolis community by providing summer school and after-school programs with a Christian foundation. We were blessed by hearing about how they are impacting these kids and by having the opportunity to serve with them! We got to do lots of organizing, and Joe and Rex started sanding and painting these pieces to a gaga ball pit for the kids to enjoy.
Hospitality House!

Jobs Well Done

by Rachel Spenst | July 7, 2023 6:03 PM

Part of our team got to spend the day serving at Hospitality House again. With great teamwork and God's grace, we were able to finish both closet organization projects. Olivia and Nathan did a great job organizing the games! We are excited because these spaces will now be much more usable for this ministry.

Jobs Well Done

Gaga Ball, Anyone?

by Rachel Spenst | July 7, 2023 6:51 PM

Our other main project at the Hospitality House was also completed today! Wendy, Nicki, and Joe put the finishing touches on the pieces for the Gaga ball pit and it's looking so new and bright! We can't wait for the kids to be able to play this game.
Gaga Ball, Anyone?

Andover Christian Church

by Laura Yoch | July 7, 2023 9:56 PM

Part of our group served with our wonderful host, Andover Christian Church, prepping for VBS and tackling a new project... Clearing the overgrown volleyball court!

Andover Christian Church

Volleyball Court Progress

by Laura Yoch | July 7, 2023 9:57 PM

After an afternoon of hard work and playing "is this a sand clump or a rock?"
Volleyball Court Progress

The Little Things

by Sarah Nunnally | July 8, 2023 5:26 AM

Everyone can find a way to serve here at PPM, even if that is deflating the extra air mattresses!

The Little Things

Creative Expertise

by Sarah Nunnally | July 8, 2023 5:30 AM

When the VBS theme is Investigation, we have the decorations covered!
Creative Expertise

Burgers and Blessings

by Rachel Spenst | July 8, 2023 4:19 PM

We had the privilege this morning of partnering with both Andover Christian Church and Shiloh Temple International Ministries through an outreach event called "Burgers and Blessings." We set up outside and invited people to come for free food and prayer. We got to serve 150 people, and everyone who came was prayed over before they left. We had an amazing time meeting people, hearing their stories, and lifting them up to our Heavenly Father.

Burgers and Blessings

Powerful Partnership

by Rachel Spenst | July 8, 2023 4:27 PM

We began and ended our outreach event with prayer, and there was such a sweet spirit of unity among us. It was a special thing to join together with Andover Christian Church and the ministry at Shiloh to serve the Lord and bless the community. We're so grateful we got to partner with them this week and are excited about what God is doing!
Powerful Partnership

Reflections and Worship

by Rachel Spenst | July 8, 2023 10:04 PM

After spending the afternoon exploring Minneapolis and enjoying some relaxation, we got to end our day by worshiping together and reflecting on the week. It was so encouraging to hear how everyone has been impacted this week as God has been moving. It's hard to believe that tomorrow we go home, but we are eager to share what we've experienced and to continue serving at home.

Thank you to Chris and Phoebe for leading us in worship this week!

Reflections and Worship

Shower Tiling Crew

by Laura Yoch | July 9, 2023 7:08 AM

These three men worked incredibly hard all week to fulfill a wish that Shiloh Temple is working so hard to achieve; tiling a shower for the church. This added resource would be used to bless those in the community. While there's some work to go for plumbing and electric, they worked tirelessly to prepare the rest of the stall! Thank you Kyle, John, and Mike! 

Shower Tiling Crew

Until Next Time

by Rachel Spenst | July 9, 2023 12:53 PM

We got to end our trip by joining our partner church in their Sunday morning worship service. It was a delight to meet members of the congregation and worship together! Now it's time to head home, but we look forward to continuing to serve the Lord wherever we are.

Until Next Time

Continue Your Impact

by Praying Pelican Missions | July 9, 2023 11:57 PM

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We've made it!!!

Community Methodist Church

Gulf Coast | June 29, 2024

Mission meals!

Church on MastersRoad

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Yard work at Wasilla Lake

Woodcrest Church

Alaska | June 30, 2024

Clif giving the message

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Calvary Baptist Church NYC

New England | June 30, 2024





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