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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Calvary Bible Church

Serving In Florida
July 15, 2023
Community: Fort Myers
Partner: Anthem Church/Inspiritus
Staff: Dillon Crum, Meghan Tibbs, Sean Tomey, Gabriella Isais, Amanda Correa, Jacob Kauranen

They’ve Arrived!

by Gabriella Isais | July 16, 2023 11:28 AM

The team made it to Anthem Church in Fort Myers a little after midnight last night! We are excited to serve the local church and community alongside them this week! 

Church and Brunch!

by Gabriella Isais | July 16, 2023 11:30 AM

The team attended the Anthem Church service at 10:30 this morning and then Sandra and the PPM staff prepared a delicious brunch for them after church. Since they got in so late, we wanted to let them sleep in and rest this morning! 
Church and Brunch!

A is for Anthem

by Jacob Kauranen | July 16, 2023 11:40 AM

It was an honor and pleasure to join Anthem Church this morning for some amazing worship and a great message from Pastor Steve.

Today we learned that we are all fishers of men, witnesses for Jesus, and preachers of God's Word. We need to become aware of our calling. God is calling us to share the gospel, share the good news, share what Jesus has done for us. Our goal should be to move people a little closer to Jesus, and be a part of the process of bringing them into a relationship with Christ. 

"Evangelism is helping people discover how God is already working in their lives" - Sam Williams

After becoming aware we need to commit to prayer, show we care, and be ready to share.

John 6:44, 2 Corinthians 4:4, Romans 8:15, Matthew 9:38, Ephesians 1:17, 1 Corinthians 9:19,23. 

A is for Anthem

Beach Time!

by Gabriella Isais | July 16, 2023 7:44 PM

After Church and brunch, the team headed to Fort Myers beach. On the way to the beach, the team was able to drive by and see all the devastation and ruin left from the hurricane. Before leaving the beach, the team gathered together to pray for their week, the work they will be doing, and the community of Fort Myers. 

Beach Time!

Pastor Steve!

by Meghan Tibbs | July 16, 2023 7:45 PM

The team got to hear from Pastor Steve about the First Nazarene church they’re staying at: Anthem! Pastor told them all about the hospitality of people during and following Hurricane Ian. They’re ready to hit the ground running tomorrow after hearing the good story of great volunteers! 

Pastor Steve!

B is for Beach

by Jacob Kauranen | July 16, 2023 9:42 PM

Our team got to visit and enjoy the beach for a short time on Sunday afternoon. Before we left, we circled up and prayed for our week. For those back home, pray that we make an impact for God and others in this community.

B is for Beach

C is for Community

by Jacob Kauranen | July 16, 2023 9:50 PM

On Sunday night we came together and worshipped. There is not much that is more powerful than a community of believers singing praise to God. It was a great way to start our week.
C is for Community

Demo Day!

by Dillon Crum | July 17, 2023 11:08 AM

Today we started on our work projects for the week. We split into four groups and started mucking out homes that still had not been touched since the storm. It is hard and dirty work, but it is so rewarding to see the progress we are making even in a short time. 

Demo Day!

D is for Demolition

by Jacob Kauranen | July 17, 2023 11:36 AM

Bright and early on Monday morning our groups started filling up dumpsters with debris and doing demolition in houses desolated by the hurricane.
D is for Demolition

End of Day 1!

by Meghan Tibbs | July 17, 2023 8:11 PM

The team worked hard today! After celebrating a birthday, praying over those under the weather, and finding peace in team worship, everyone is ready to head towards bed. God is good and we’re pumped for day 2!

End of Day 1!

Demo Day 1!

by Gabriella Isais | July 17, 2023 8:19 PM

The teams all worked incredibly hard today doing demolition in four different homes. They started by removing anything left in the homes, including furniture, home decor, and personal items left behind by the owners of the homes. They then started removing appliances such as fridges, toilets, tubs, sinks, then moved to taking out cabinets and closest, and then they started tearing down walls and insulation. Tomorrow they will finish up with walls and move to flooring. 

Demo Day 1!


by Meghan Tibbs | July 18, 2023 12:26 PM

With the teams all set at their houses, some of the Praying Pelican staff moved onto sanitizing the completed sites! The sun is up and the temp reads 96°. Way to go guys! 


Worship Time

by Gabriella Isais | July 18, 2023 6:49 PM

After another hard day of work, the team gathered together at the end of the day for worship! The A.I.M. (Adventures In Missions) team, another team that is staying at Anthem Church and doing a mission trip at the same ministry site, joined us for worship tonight! 

Worship Time

E is for Effort

by Jacob Kauranen | July 18, 2023 9:02 PM

The team put their head down and has been absolutely grinding out the work this week. Their work ethic and determination is something to be applauded. The job they are doing this week is blessing others and glorifying God.

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ."

Colossians 3:23-24

E is for Effort

F is for Focus

by Jacob Kauranen | July 18, 2023 9:12 PM

The second day we knew what to expect, but the team stepped up to the challenge and worked just as hard, maybe even harder than the first. They were relentless and worked with vigor. 

"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."

Hebrews 12:1-2

F is for Focus

G is for God's Goodness

by Jacob Kauranen | July 18, 2023 9:22 PM

God is the best designer there ever was. There was an incredibly gorgeous sunset Tuesday night. It was amazing to admire the beauty of His creation and just see His goodness in the sky.

"From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised."

Psalm 113:3

G is for God's Goodness

Community Cooperative!

by Amanda Correa | July 19, 2023 11:47 AM

Our first day at Community Co-op was amazing!! We started our day off at a mobile pantry which gave our groceries and hot meals to those in need. 

Community Cooperative!

Demo Day 3!

by Gabriella Isais | July 19, 2023 3:55 PM

S.W.A.T. did an amazing job demolishing the trailer homes this week. They accomplished so much in every home and even finished one completely! We are so proud of them and so thankful for all the hard work and sweat they put in this week. 

Demo Day 3!


by Meghan Tibbs | July 19, 2023 7:55 PM

Huge shoutout to Brian for jumping into day 3 of demo day! After a tough start (including a run in with a volleyball), he hit the ground running again today! With his #demoday shirt at the ready, Brian helped his team reach the finish line. 


H is for Happy Meal

by Jacob Kauranen | July 21, 2023 11:16 AM

On Rec Day we ended the day with some Bussin' BBQ. We had great food all week. Shoutout to Sandra and all those who helped in the kitchen. 
H is for Happy Meal

Send Off :(

by Meghan Tibbs | July 21, 2023 11:17 AM

The team was up with the sun to get some hours under their belt. With some last minute cleaning and a send-off prayer, they hit the road early. 

What a blessing this week was to work with SWAT and their amazing group of volunteers! The impact they’ve had on this community is truly long lasting. Thank you to everyone who made this awesome week possible. 

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19/20

Send Off :(

Continue Your Impact

by Praying Pelican Missions | July 21, 2023 11:57 PM

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We've made it!!!

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Mission meals!

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