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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Highpoint Fellowship

Serving In Tulsa, OK
June 10, 2023
Community: North Tulsa
Partner: Wesley Chapel
Staff: Kari Beadner, Brittney Beach, Faith Harlan, Marcy Allen

The Team has Arrived

by Faith Harlan | June 10, 2023 7:05 PM

The team from Highpoint Fellowship has arrived here in Tulsa! The team is staying here at Zion Community church and serving this week at Wesley Chapel! 

The Team has Arrived

Sunday Service at Wesley Chapel

by Faith Harlan | June 11, 2023 10:58 PM

This morning we got to attend both services at Wesley Chapel! Here was the second service at 12:30 with Pastor Beach! We also got to learn about how the camp will work this week. We also were reminded that the kids we are working with really need all the love we can give them while we are working with them. We are very excited to be apart of the second week of kids camp!

Sunday Service at Wesley Chapel

Praying for our Partner Pastor

by Faith Harlan | June 11, 2023 11:03 PM

After both services today at Wesley Chapel we got the opportunity to pray for Pastor Beach, his family, and his ministry work here in north Tulsa. This was a powerful moment for the team and anyone in the sanctuary! 
Praying for our Partner Pastor

Standpipe Hill Prayer

by Faith Harlan | June 11, 2023 11:19 PM

Standpipe hill is the tallest land mass here in Tulsa. We went this afternoon to look out over Tulsa and pray for the week, the city, our partner churches, and Pastors! It is a moving Experience to be able to see over the city you are working with and hear about all the history involved with this hill as well. Standpipe hill is a memorial to the 1921 Race massacre and the burning of black wallstreet which is a major part of Tulsa History. 
Standpipe Hill Prayer

Youth Works Camp Day One

by Faith Harlan | June 12, 2023 10:11 PM

This morning on day one of the second week of camp Aiden and Micha served breakfast to the kids before they started their rotations here at Wesley Chapel. What an amazing start to the day it was with this team and all the amazing kids we get to teach and love this week!!!

Youth Works Camp Day One

STEM Rotation

by Faith Harlan | June 12, 2023 10:16 PM

In the STEM rotation the kids learned to count to one hundred by two's, three's and five's! They all did amazing and had a fun time doing it!
STEM Rotation

Pastor Larry

by Faith Harlan | June 12, 2023 10:24 PM

This evening Pastor Larry from Tulsa Indian United Methodist Church came and spoke to the group and shared his amazing testimony with us. Pastor Larry shared with us how one day God just woke him up and he realized that he needed to follow the direction God had laid out for him and that his life needed a spiritual change. Makayla prayed for Pastor Larry, his church, and the missionaries currently working at his church this week! What an amazing experience with one of our partner pastors! At the end he invited the whole group of us to come to drum practice tomorrow to Experience a different culture than our own. 

Pastor Larry

Face Masks

by Faith Harlan | June 12, 2023 10:26 PM

At the end of the night the team had a bit of time before lights out and did a few face masks and played in zion's wonderful gym!
Face Masks

We had a Surprise Guest at the Splash Pad

by Faith Harlan | June 13, 2023 10:49 PM

YouthWorks Dream camp day  6! During the field trip to the splash pad today we had a surprise visit from firefighters who made the kids day! Some of the team was insistent on not getting wet but when the firefighters showed up and gave us this amazing moment they had to do it.  It was a great experience!!!

We had a Surprise Guest at the Splash Pad


by Faith Harlan | June 13, 2023 10:50 PM

In STEM today the kids got to do a Coke and Mentos experiment and then play with bubbles which looked pretty fun!  


Horse !!!

by Faith Harlan | June 13, 2023 10:52 PM

The kids played a game they called horse and essentially the kids were climbing on the backs of the team and riding them across the lawn and had a race going. It was hilarious to watch and amazing to see the team fill the time they had before lunch 

Horse !!!


by Faith Harlan | June 13, 2023 11:00 PM

This evening we went to pastor Larry's church and got to sit in on a drum practice and hear traditional powwow music. It was such a cool experience for the kids to hear a different style of music that is also used to worship the Lord. The passion these amazing people have for their culture is inviting and so cool to learn more about it. It was beautiful! 

Morning Devo

by Faith Harlan | June 14, 2023 10:23 PM

This Morning during devotional time the kids were cursed with a spell of the weepy Wednesday's and all they wanted to do was run around during the story about Joseph. The team did a great job of calming them down and getting them to a place where they would listen! Then Cody decided it was a great time for the church clap which rilled them up again.

Morning Devo


by Faith Harlan | June 14, 2023 10:26 PM

Today we got to go to the ranch for the first time this week and it was a great time with a few learning moments for the team and the kids. We learned that you have to ask to approach a horse and how to interact with it properly in order not to spook it! We also got to pet the goats who can be kinda mean. 

Green House

by Faith Harlan | June 14, 2023 10:28 PM

Before it was time for lunch today the team helped Pastor Beach build a greenhouse for the garden and learned how to work with metal framing! This was after they accidentally let the goats out, and played with the bunnies in which turned into them wanting to take the bunnies home!
Green House

Dream Center

by Faith Harlan | June 14, 2023 10:30 PM

At the end of the day before showers we got the opportunity to work at the dream center and help sort clothes for their clothing closet. It was so much fun and a great way to end the day with ministry! 
Dream Center

These Moments

by Faith Harlan | June 15, 2023 11:47 PM

Every single kid we got to work with this week has a completely different story and understanding of life. Getting to work with and become friends with these kids has been the most amazing experience in the world and getting to love them and show them God for a week is the most spirit filling connection you can make with a young child. These memories of this camp are not only moments we'll remember forever but also these kids will remember and cherish the love and godliness brought before them this week.

These Moments

Actual Horses

by Faith Harlan | June 15, 2023 11:52 PM

Two days ago the kids rode on our backs and called us horses. Today they got to ride on an actual horse! It is so cool to see kids who have never seen a real horse one week to then riding them a week later. The kids are at first scared of the horses but by the time they got to actually ride them today they were almost too excited and fighting to go first on the horse of their choosing! 
Actual Horses

Gathering Place

by Faith Harlan | June 15, 2023 11:54 PM

We had a chance to go to the gathering place today and it was so hot for the majority of the time we were there we stayed indoors and ate lunch. The air conditioning was amazing! We also got really good ice cream from the place downstairs of the main building at the gathering place. 
Gathering Place

Greenwood Rising

by Faith Harlan | June 15, 2023 11:59 PM

This afternoon we had the chance to go to the Greenwood rising history center and learn all about tulsa's deep roots in the segregation of god people and about the horrible things that were happening in Tulsa in 1921. The Race massacre is a big cultural deal here in Tulsa you can still to this day see a divide in the actual city and the atrocities that happened in 1921 have not been used in the way of learning like they should be. This is a place of learning and where you can learn to follow in christ and not let the devil take hold of you. 
Greenwood Rising

Incredible Pizza

by Faith Harlan | June 16, 2023 12:02 AM

Now the pizza may not have been incredible but it is called incredible pizza. We went this evening as our recreational activity to end our amazing trip here to Tulsa. We had an amazing time where we spent time with Pastor Beach and his son Joseph. We played games and talk about the camp and how we see God working in us and in the camp! We had an amazing time at incredible pizza!
Incredible Pizza

This isn’t Goodbye it’s See You Later

by Faith Harlan | June 16, 2023 9:31 AM

We are headed back to Texas today and had an amazing week and are so excited to tell you all about it and how God worked through us and in us this week! This isn’t good bye, this is a see you later and we hope to see you here again next summer. From all of us at PPM Tulsa we pray for your safe travels and that you share your experience with people at home! 

This isn’t Goodbye it’s See You Later

Continue Your Impact

by Praying Pelican Missions | June 16, 2023 11:57 PM

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Jenny Davis

June 16, 2023 1:27 PM

So grateful for this crew and all the awesome leaders. Thank you for letting His light shine! <3

Nina Pena

June 16, 2023 10:50 AM

Oh, how I miss these faces! Can’t wait to hear stories of the wonderful things the Lord has done in and through them. Thank you, Praying Pelican!

Patrick Spencer

June 16, 2023 5:46 AM

Looks like they had a wonderful time and were a blessing to the kids there. Praying for a safe return trip. I’ll be anticipating the return of my daughter for sure!

Nina Pena

June 15, 2023 6:26 AM

It looks like a fruitful week. I’m so proud of our youth!!

Patrick Spencer

June 15, 2023 5:42 AM

Thanks so much for these updates, I love hearing about how are young people are serving and to get a glimpse of their experiences

Lea Smartt

June 13, 2023 5:48 PM

Great job!!

Lea Smartt

June 12, 2023 8:11 PM

Love to HP kids!! Y’all are awesome!!

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We've made it!!!

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Gulf Coast | June 29, 2024

Mission meals!

Church on MastersRoad

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Yard work at Wasilla Lake

Woodcrest Church

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Clif giving the message

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Team Covenant

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Chicago, IL | June 30, 2024





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