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Collective Conversations with Constance

Serving In Hawaii
June 24, 2023
Community: Oahu
Partner: Parker United Methodist Church
Staff: Anna Morgan, Kay Gardner

The Team has Arrived

by Kay Gardner | June 24, 2023 9:29 PM

The team has arrived in Hawaii.  They are so ready for an evening of unpacking, settling in and resting up for Church in the morning and a sweet Sunday of togetherness 

The Team has Arrived

The Fruit of the Spirit...

by Kay Gardner | June 25, 2023 10:01 PM

We are here and SO ready to serve - tomorrow.  On this Sunday morning, we needed to hear God's Word at our host church, Parker United Methodist Church.  But first, the church served us a yummy breakfast which included fresh fruit, sushi, bagels, bento boxes and pog juice.  SO good. 

Pastor Sione's sermon was on The Fruit of the Spirit and today he talked about Love.  The service was very interactive, very sweet, so much love. 

During the service we were made very welcome, presented with beautiful leis, prayed for and commissioned to come alongside the church ohana to setve in the community during the next week.  Thank You, God for all You are doing.  

The Fruit of the Spirit...

Swap Meet, Fellowship, Bonding

by Kay Gardner | June 26, 2023 2:12 AM

After church, the 18 of us loaded up and headed to a Swap Meet at Aloha Stadium.  It is a huge event, like a giant flea market with lots of clothes, toys, food & drink, gadgets and such for sale.  We all enjoyed walking around, buying stuff and relaxing.  

Later, we all met at Zippy's for dinner.  We enjoyed being together, laughing, fellowshipping and discussing our plans for the upcoming week.  We are excited to go where  God sends us and do as He has planned.  

Swap Meet, Fellowship, Bonding

Being a Beacon of Hope

by Kay Gardner | June 26, 2023 4:38 PM

This morning we served at the Susannah Wesley Community Center where we prepared bags of food and packages of diapers to be given out in the community.  This non-profit agency is located in the heart of the community where they work with youth, adults and families, even newcomers to Hawaii, who have great social and economic challenges.  They help them to move toward self-sufficiency and independence.

We worked together, rocking to some good oldie music, laughing and making a good time of it, everyone doing his/her assigned task from the oldest to the youngest of us, filling 250 bags of food and 2500 diaper packages.  Awesome!! 

Thank You, Lord 

Being a Beacon of Hope

Learning about Human Trafficking in Hawai'i

by Anna Morgan | June 27, 2023 1:28 AM

The Susannah Wesley Community Center also has a branch that serves those who are at risk and/or being trafficked in Hawai'i. Victoria, one of the Program Managers, shared about the services they provide to victims and survivors and how we can play a role in the fight against human trafficking.

We were all impacted by what she shared. We know the work is hard. Working with those coming out of an exploitative situation is heavy and requires empathy, listening ears, advocacy, tough skin, and so much more. We hope we encouraged Victoria a little while she was with us. We are cheering her and others at the Susannah Wesley Center on as they serve those who need it. 

Learning about Human Trafficking in Hawai'i

Sand Island Beach

by Anna Morgan | June 27, 2023 1:30 AM

After serving and lunch, we made a pit stop at Sand Island Beach. Wow! It was beautiful and a huge highlight for many of us today. We got to see Gods beautiful creation, stick our toes in the sand, get our feet wet, and enjoy the beach together. 
Sand Island Beach

Paint, Paint, Paint

by Anna Morgan | June 27, 2023 1:35 AM

This afternoon we headed over to First UMC. It's a church situated in the middle of downtown, surrounded by skyscrapers, hotels, and business buildings. We were able to serve them by painting the outside walkway of the church, repainting the yellow caution paint, and painting pews. We want the church to be just as excellent as the buildings around it so that people will be ready and excited to enter the doors to learn about the best news ever! 

We had a blast, of course, singing and dancing while we knocked off every project on the list! 

Paint, Paint, Paint

Best Debrief Meeting Ever

by Anna Morgan | June 27, 2023 1:38 AM

To Debrief our day, Kisi had us do a talent show. Each group decided on a highlight and made a song to share their joy of the day. We laughed so hard and loved every minute of this activity! 

The ultimate winner was Jesus! 

Best Debrief Meeting Ever

What a Great Day!

by Anna Morgan | June 27, 2023 1:39 AM

Yes, it was an incredible day! We are thankful for every member of our new ohana (family)!
What a Great Day!

Projects at Parker

by Anna Morgan | June 27, 2023 4:24 PM

Today we are working at our host church, Parker UMC. We've been divided into groups to work on various things around the church.

One of those areas is the church's Thrift Store. This is open the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. It's a great resource for the community and a wonderful way for members of the church to share the love of Christ with shoppers. We are helping Ms. Edna get organized, clean the storage shed, and get prices on each item. 

Projects at Parker

Paint Project at Parker

by Kay Gardner | June 27, 2023 9:51 PM

Today we had the honor of serving at our host church, Parker United Methodist.  We were divided into teams to complete various projects.  One team began the project of  painting new yellow lines for parking spaces and  redoing the blue disability markings.  It was really hot out there but the team worked hard anyway.  It is looking awesome!

Paint Project at Parker

Youth Room Reno

by Kay Gardner | June 28, 2023 1:10 AM

Another group was assigned another paint project at Parker United Methodist today. We painted a room that will become a Youth Room. With good music playing, a little dancing, laughing and singing to make the work go faster, the future Youth Room is looking good with clean white freshly-painted walls. It won't be long before it's filled with young people learning about Jesus.  
Youth Room Reno

The Church Building, The Sanctuary

by Kay Gardner | June 28, 2023 1:25 AM

We gave time, attention and TLC to the physical church building at Parker United Methodist Church today.  Although it already appeared clean and well-cared for, we wanted it to be even better.  The conference room by the pastor's office got a good cleaning and the shelves were wiped and organized.  101% better.

The Sanctuary  was given special care and love today.  We cleaned every pew, took all the cushions out to air in the sun, rubbed all the wooden areas with oil, arranged the Bibles and Hymnals and cleaned every surface.  It was our pleasure, a real honor to help make the church ohana a nicer place to worship God.

The Church Building, The Sanctuary

Storage Room & Shed Cleanouts

by Kay Gardner | June 28, 2023 1:43 AM

Today, working in teams, we cleaned out a large storage room where decorations, flags, dishes and such were stored.  We completely emptied it which completely covering the stage with its contents. We discarded what needed to be then put all the good stuff back in an organized fashion.  Future use of that storage room will be a much nicer experience.

Storage Room & Shed Cleanouts

Some call it "Water Blasting"

by Kay Gardner | June 28, 2023 2:20 AM

Throughout this mission trip, we have grown a true comraderie, kept our sense of humor and bonded as a team.  Today, we did all those things and more.  

We had our morning circle to discuss the day, plan who would do what...It was good.

While assigning teams, when the "Water Blasting" Team was mentioned, hands raised.  Those volunteers were undaunted when learning that this meant "pressure washing, outside, in the heat...  They worked hard cleaning sidewalks, concrete and interior hallways.  Those Water Blasters did an awesome job.

When asked who would be on a team who would clean a supply shed which needed cleaning,  may have geckos, gecko poop and other critters - hands went up.  This team is truly here to serve, no matter what.  Geckos were encountered but no pictures are available.  Just know this team worked hard and left that shed in neater, cleaner, better condition.

When asked to serve, we are ready and willing to do as God has planned - no matter what...

Some call it "Water Blasting"

Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens

by Kay Gardner | June 28, 2023 2:27 AM

Words can't describe the beauty, nor can a picture capture it.  Today after our tasks were completed, Pastor Sione lead us on a little sight-seeing visit to Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens.  We were truly amazed at the mountains, greenery and flowers that surrounded us. What a blessing!

Who can possibly witness such beauty and not know that God exists...

Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens

Hui Muh'ai Aina

by Anna Morgan | June 29, 2023 2:04 AM

This morning we served at a reservation for the houseless. Auntie Blanch established this camp 5 years ago in order to bring homeless people off the streets. The camp provides housing, showers, bathrooms, and a kitchen for those who qualify for the program. While there, each person has a job and an important role to play. They currently can house 100 people. The dream is to be able to provide a safe place for 300 people. 

We helped in the garden today, weeding. It was a hot and hard job. The garden is used for additional fruit, flowers, and vegetables for the camp. 

Hui Muh'ai Aina

Mahalo and Aloha to our Hawaiian Ohana

by Kay Gardner | June 30, 2023 2:47 AM

This morning we had a wonderful Mahalo and Aloha breakfast with the Pastor Sione and most of the people, our Hawaiian ohana, who had worked alongside us this week.  It was a sweet time of sharing memories and praises of the week, exchanging gifts, hugs, kind words and Mahalos and the most "broke da mouth" food.  We enjoyed fresh papaya, pineapple, macadamia nuts, sweet Hawaiian breads, jam & jelly and juice.  It was "ono." 

Mahalo and Aloha Parker United Methodist Church. 

Hana Hou! 

Mahalo and Aloha to our Hawaiian Ohana

Projects at Kahuku United Methodist Church

by Kay Gardner | June 30, 2023 3:06 AM

Today we traveled to Kahuku United Methodist Church to see how we could help Pastor Nuka.  He told us a little of his story and a little about the church.  He asked that we paint the church pews  (about 2 dozens of them) and do some cleaning.  With the Good Lord's help, good team work and good music, we completed all the requested tasks in a few hours.  We are blessed to have helped the Pastor and Kahuku UMC.  Pastor Nuka told us he appreciated all we did and he is looking forward to Sunday when the congregation will see all the improvements.  

Projects at Kahuku United Methodist Church

Waimea Waterfall and Dole Plantation

by Kay Gardner | June 30, 2023 3:34 AM

After finishing up at Kahuku UMC, we went to eat at food trucks.  Everyone got to chose whatever he/she wanted to eat.  Yummy & fun!

Then, on to Waimea Wawaterfall.  It was about a 3/4 mile trek to the falls - but so worth it.  The walk is on a paved path through beautiful gardens and the waterfall itself is beautiful.  Some braved a swim in the cold water and all enjoyed the beauty of Waimea.    

Next, we went to Dole Plantation.  We barely made it before they closed for the day.  We were glad we got there in time to enjoy yummy pineapple ice cream. 

We were on the road a good bit and we worked and played hard today.  It was all good.

Waimea Waterfall and Dole Plantation

Continue Your Impact

by Praying Pelican Missions | June 30, 2023 11:57 PM

Diamond Head

by Kay Gardner | July 1, 2023 3:30 AM

Friday is rec day to do the fun, interesting, touristy activities that were planned in advance.  Since one cannot visit the island of Oahu without seeing Diamond Head, that's what we did.  It  was pretty hot but we made the best of it.  Some of us hiked up part of the way up, some all the way to the summit and all enjoyed just being outside, enjoying the beauty created by God.  It was a good start to our last full day in Hawaii.

Diamond Head

Final Debrief/Aloha Meeting

by Kay Gardner | July 1, 2023 3:49 AM

After Diamond Head and a yummy lunch at a local restaurant, we had our debrief meeting.  It was a time to reflect on the week, tell about our "take-aways" from the mission trip, talk about our  experiences and share our thoughts.

Some of the take-aways mentioned were:

Team unity

Caring for others

Caring for one's self

Thanking each other in person, not in a text

As we closed in prayer, future plans and missions were mentioned but not decided yet.  We will see what God plans and where He leads.

Aloha for now.

Final Debrief/Aloha Meeting

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July 7, 2023 12:56 PM

It's Friday and I am still in that divine anointed moment. From the time the A-team all met in Vegas. To landing in Oahu. The team work amazing. Meeting new family of Kingdom believe. Learning the customs and matters of the people. Above all the unity, love and laughter made it all worth it. Thank you our Hawaii family for your love for Jesus and pouring it on us. Aloha. ✝️🛐🙏


July 3, 2023 1:33 PM

What a great & blessed trip 🤙🏾. I’m looking forward to 2024 to serve!

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Warehouse Day 1

CrossLife Students : CrossLife Church

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Knocking on Heavens Door

Calvary Baptist Church NYC

New England | July 2, 2024

VBS Day 1

Abundant Life Assembly of God

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VBS - Day 1

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Team work results!

Wapello Methodist Church

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