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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Asbury Church - Tulsa

Serving In Jamaica
March 18, 2012
Staff: Jon Nelson

Eagerly awaiting arrival!

by Jon Nelson | March 18, 2012 11:57 AM

Our PPM staff is eagerly awaiting the arrival of two flights with our Asbury mission teams on them! One flight is slightly delayed but nothing of worry and the other appears to be on time! On the menu for this evening is dinner at the Nutshell Conference Center and a concert at the Wakefield Baptist Church! We're excited for a great week!

Mi Dea

by Jon Nelson | March 18, 2012 11:30 PM

Mi Dea is roughly translated "I'm cool" or "it's all good." This is an appropriate way to describe both our travels and our first taste of Jamaica. Our teams came through the airport smoothly and didn't encounter any major issues traveling. After coming through the Donald Sangster International airport in Montego Bay we enjoyed a smooth ride along the northern coast out to Duncans, Trelawny. Of course our first meal was fried chicken, rice & peas, salad, and fruit juice. Most of us have been waiting for it! Tonight we kicked off our trip with a bang as most of us (yes, one bus broke down and not everyone made it out) were able to join the Wakefield Baptist Church for a Harvest fundraising concert. Melissa and a few other ladies from our team sang a special song for the Jamaican congregation. The concert was loud, exciting, and a great way to begin our week of ministry. After returning and spending time briefly in small groups we're heading to bed. We're eager for tomorrow and looking forward to see how God touches our lives while we're in Jamaica!

Praying for Deborah Ede

by Our entire team | March 18, 2012 11:37 PM

Of course all week we'll be thinking of Deborah. Please keep her in your prayers as well.
Praying for Deborah Ede


by Jon Nelson | March 19, 2012 7:48 PM

Let's just say this- today exceeded our expectations. How's that for cliche? Early this morning we were awaken by a strong rain storm pounding on the tin roof at the Nutshell Conference Center. We started our ministry in the primary schools this morning. We're serving at five different primary schools across the parish and covering some math, reading, etc. with the children and really just investing in their lives and getting to know them. It was a joyous morning all around and we're excited to get back to the schools tomorrow! This afternoon we dove into our work projects. Most of our projects this week involve steel work (rebar), mixing and pouring concrete, and laying cinder blocks for church buildings or schools. A couple of the projects we began last year out in Deeside (the Hastings Primary School building and the Galloway home) we're continuing the work on this week. That is exciting to be a part of. Tonight we're spending time in our small groups and are going to worship God overlooking the Caribbean Sea on the north coast of Jamaica. Continue to pray for guidance, safety, and provision from God for our team this week.

School ministry in Deeside

by Jon Nelson | March 19, 2012 7:49 PM

Melanie leads the Hastings Primary School 4th grade class in an activity outside this morning.
School ministry in Deeside

Preparing for work

by Jon Nelson | March 19, 2012 7:50 PM

Merrick Williams- our work leader at the Hastings Primary School and a member of the Bunker's Hill Baptist Church, leads one of our groups in a brief orientation before beginning work.
Preparing for work

Happy Birthday Tyler.

by Our entire team | March 19, 2012 7:51 PM

Now cut some steel. We celebrated Tyler's 20th birthday today by ensuring he cut some steel for the church building we're helping construct at Bounty Hall.
Happy Birthday Tyler.

Tuesday evening update

by Jon Nelson | March 20, 2012 6:50 PM

Today has been a fantastic day. Our teams really stepped it up in the schools all around and excelled during their ministry time. Many groups reorganized things going into the day today after experiencing what they did and learning what they did yesterday. Up in Refuge our guys and ladies spent time reading Stuart Little with the 4th grade class while the first grade class focused on the Bible story of David and Goliath.
Tuesday evening update

Good Hope Baptist Church

by Jon Nelson | March 20, 2012 6:51 PM

Andy lays block at the Good Hope Baptist Church. Our team pour concrete and laid blocks today. They worked hard!!
Good Hope Baptist Church

Coral Springs Manse

by Jon Nelson | March 20, 2012 6:53 PM

This afternoon work continued at all locations and the team that’s serving at the Granville Primary School during the mornings was able to go to a new work site that was just waiting for them to mix concrete and pass buckets! Our team really knocked out a bunch of work at the Coral Springs Baptist Manse (parsonage). Here you can see Austin pouring concrete in a corner beam at the site.
Coral Springs Manse

Half Alive

by Jon Nelson | March 21, 2012 4:24 PM

Last night our team was challenged immensely as we heard from the heart of pastor Devere Nugent from the Falmouth circuit of Baptist Churches. Pastor spoke on the story of the Good Samaritan, focusing on a part of the story that most people overlook. The thieves that attacked the man traveling to Jericho left the man half dead on the side of the road. The mistake they made was that a half dead man is very much half alive. It is in these instances and situations that God can really intervene and work in people's lives. We were encouraged and it gave us fuel going into ministry today to view those who might be hurting or spiritually attacked as spiritually half alive in Christ and needing a boost in their lives. Today our teams finished their ministry at the Primary schools. We picked up steam each day we spent time with the students and finished strong all around! The challenge of a water problem at the Bounty Hall Baptist Church was a blessing in disguise. Three of our groups teamed up to knock out a ton of work at the Coral Springs manse by mixing concrete and filling cinder blocks with the mixture to strengthen the building. Continue to pray for safety and guidance as our team continues ministry tomorrow. More pictures to come!

Coral Springs work

by Jon Nelson | March 21, 2012 11:29 PM

Three of our groups teamed up to get a bunch of concrete poured at Coral Springs on Wednesday!
Coral Springs work

School ministry in Duncans

by Jon Nelson | March 21, 2012 11:31 PM

Our team reads books with the 5th grade class at Duncans. Sadly, today was our last day in the primary school classes.
School ministry in Duncans

Galloway Home

by Jon Nelson | March 22, 2012 8:16 PM

Our team in Deeside working at the Galloway's home accomplished a lot as they assisted the masons in flashing the walls with mortar!
Galloway Home

Trelawny Infirmary

by Jon Nelson | March 22, 2012 8:17 PM

Two of our groups served with the elderly and sick at the Trelawny Infirmary this morning. It was a huge blessing loving on these people and simply investing time getting to know they and being the hands and feet of Jesus in this way. Here you can see our team praying as we begin our time with the residents.
Trelawny Infirmary

Hastings Primary roof work

by Jon Nelson | March 24, 2012 6:49 AM

Our team works on pouring half of the slab roof at the Hastings Primary School. We worked hard Thursday and Friday and got the job done late in the day Friday afternoon!
Hastings Primary roof work

Ocho Rios Today!!!

by Jon Nelson | March 24, 2012 6:55 AM

Yesterday was our final day of formal ministry. Many of our teams spent time at Basic schools (3-5 year olds), playing with the children and being involved in various activities. A couple of the schools had their sports day and our teams were able to assist as we watched these young Jamaicans begin their sprinting and athletic careers! Such a blessing! The afternoon was again filled with a strong showing from all seven of our work teams. Half of the roof at the Hastings Primary School is completed, as our team set out to do; the Galloway home is nearing completion with windows and doors and a few final touches; the Good Hope Baptist Church has a ton more blocks laid and columns poured; the Martha Brae Baptist Church has steel in a couple sides of the foundation and the footings are poured along one side; and the Bounty Hall Baptist Church has all of the footings laid in it's foundation! ; The Coral Springs Manse work will continue after our team poured numerous columns and filled blocks with concrete; and the Granville Primary School has new paint! Today we're hitting the road for Ocho Rios! We'll spend a little time in town doing some shopping and will then be able to enjoy some time at Dunn's River Falls this afternoon. We're excited today as we celebrate what God has done with our team during this amazing week of ministry! Thanks for your prayers and support throughout our entire mission experience!

Hastings Primary 2012

by Jon Nelson | March 24, 2012 6:56 AM

Our team proudly stands with Merrick, Desmond and some children from Hastings in front of the completed Primary School roof project! Look at the change between when our Asbury team began the work last year and what the building looks like this year!
Hastings Primary 2012

Hastings Primary 2011

by Jon Nelson | March 24, 2012 7:01 AM

A picture of our Asbury team as they work in 2011 at the Hastings Primary School.
Hastings Primary 2011

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Sean & Colin Golliver

March 24, 2012 8:09 PM

Hey Sissy (Lauren to her friends), Hope you have had a great week in Jamaica on the mission trip. We have been praying for you and Mom (well that task has fallen mainly on Dad) and can't wait to see you. We got home last night around 8:00. Believe it or not but Dad is doing some laundry!! Love you!!

Sean & Colin Golliver

March 24, 2012 2:50 PM

Hey Sissy (Lauren to her friends), Hope you have had a great week in Jamaica on the mission trip. We have been praying for you and Mom (well that task has fallen mainly on Dad) and can't wait to see you. We got home last night around 8:00. Believe it or not but Dad is doing some laundry!! Love you!!

Lisa Spears

March 23, 2012 5:09 PM

Happy half-birthday Courtney! What a wonderful place to spend it, serving the people of Jamaica. We are so proud of you and know you're having an amazing experience. We miss you and can't wait to see you Sunday night. Praying for you and everyone else. Love you!!

Monique Mantle

March 23, 2012 10:59 AM

Maddie and Team, We miss you so much! We can't wait to hear all about your week and the impact you and Asbury have made on the people you've been ministering to. We're praying for you daily and can't wait to see your beautiful smiling face on Sunday:) We love you! Mom, Dad, Meg and Mason

Missy Lenhart

March 23, 2012 9:12 AM

Andrea - We miss you so much! We are proud of you for spending your week in God's service. You have been a blessing to the people of Jamaica this week. We are praying for you daily and will be praying for safe travels on Sunday. We can't wait to see you and hear about your week. Avery says hi to sissy. Love Mom and Dad

Beth Shores

March 22, 2012 3:36 PM

To Victoria "Torie" Copeland We're Grandparents and your an Aunt again!! Shanna had the baby today... a girl. Her name is Elise. She weighs 6lbs 8oz and is 19 inches long. She looks just like her sister, Catilin. Love you, Congrats!!

Kay McMullen

March 22, 2012 11:24 AM

I hope the team is having a great time serving and soaking in God's Word. I'm sure both will bear a lot of fruit and bring glory to God. I am praying you hear His voice this week; maybe He'll say "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Mt 25:40 Sarah, Anna just put a GBC in grandma's oven for us to bring home. I promise we'll save some for you! Miss you!

Pat Cipolla

March 22, 2012 11:14 AM

Each and everyone of you are a true blessing to the individuals and communities you are touching and helping this week. Acts 20:35 says: "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive'". In your giving this week , you are receiving far more from this experience than you can imagine. You are also making a positive difference in the lives of so many individuals and in our World. Keep up the great work. Everyone is so proud of you all.

Deb McCaskey

March 22, 2012 10:16 AM

To Morgan & friends, Love seeing all the positive things you are doing to spread God's word and love, and how you are making a difference in the lives of others. So proud of all of you! We're praying every day for you. Looking forward to seeing you soon and hearing about your journey :) Love, Mom & Dad

Dick & Margaret Cipolla

March 22, 2012 8:49 AM

Jessica, We have been following you and your groups work with the young people. They will never forget that someone CARED about them and their lives will be a little better for it. Keep safe and continue carrying about people in need, even when you have returned home! Grandma and I are very proud of you . All our Love .!!!!!!! .

Gayla Cox, Tyler, Taryn and Nana

March 21, 2012 9:18 PM

Taylor, We are so proud of you and the rest of the team for giving up your Spring Break to do God's work. You did miss a "gourmet meal" fixed just for Nana & me by Tyler & Taryn. ;) We miss you and can't wait to hear about all of your experiences. Love you!!

Skipper Bain

March 21, 2012 7:37 PM

To Kerrigan Bain and Jamaica Team. I appreciate your heart for missions spiritually, hard work as a team physically and focus on God's plan mentally. You have been given a great opportunity to make a difference to the people of Jamaica as well as to each other. May God's grace and favor rest upon you so that what you say and do, others will hear and see Jesus. I'm very proud of you, praying for you, standing in the gap for you, and love you very much. P.S. Gracie, Holly and Mavis say Hi.

Beth Shores

March 21, 2012 4:51 PM

To Victoria "Torie" Copeland I am so proud of you and your serving heart! God has a great plan for you & I know that he is guiding you this week. We are praying for you each day. We can not wait to hear about your week. Maple sends hugs & kisses to you, she misses her best friend!

Monica Tunnell

March 21, 2012 4:39 PM

Claire, We miss you and are so proud of you and everyone there serving others. We are eager to here about your adventures! Remember to never tire from God's work! (and remember the sunscreen!) Love ya!

Cheryl Steffen

March 21, 2012 3:23 PM

To Ashlee and Jamaica Team..We are praying for you! Many here are praying for you all around the clock in the prayer room. There are notes being written to each of you and many have expressed prayers and praises on the expression wall! We are so proud of you for your dedication and sacrifice this week! Pastor Tom prayed for you all on Sunday night in the prayer room. Keep it up! Be strong! "This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people, but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God." ( 2 Corinthians 9:12) Keep on giving yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor is not in vain." (1 Corinthians 15:58) We will be so excited to see you and hear all about your mission week! We love you and will keep praying for you day and night!

Dee and Scott Williams

March 21, 2012 7:55 AM

We are praying for all of you this week. God will do amazing things in and through you! Thank you for allowing god to use each one of you as a vessel to spread His love and mercy. Carli, we love and miss you! We can't wait to hear all about the experiences you have had this week! Remember....God is good all the time and all the time God is good! Love you! Mom and Dad

Kristen Keeter

March 20, 2012 11:13 PM

For Rett Rett Keeter Praying for you continually and your whole team. We are proud of you for working at all things as "Unto the Lord" Love seeing your picture today laying concrete. Blessings and Love to you. Breathe in that ocean air!!

Stephanie Cipolla

March 20, 2012 8:22 PM

Jessica, say a special prayer over the ocean for your great grandmother's 99th birthday today! She looked great this weekend and wishes you and your friends the best on your mission trip! Keep the sunscreen on! Miss you and love you SO much!!

Patti McTigue

March 20, 2012 6:10 PM

To Megan and all! Miss you guys so much but know the good work you are doing and the Spirit you are sharing. We've had 4 1/2 inches of rain since Monday morning! Hope it's not moving your way! Update: Deborah moved to Craig rehab on Monday. FB says she had a great first day! We are praying for each and everyone of you ! Be strong and courageous!!

Wanda J. Gatlin

March 20, 2012 6:09 PM

To Mallory and friends. So proud that you are there doing God's work and making a difference in the lives of others! We love you all and are praying for you this week!

Dianne Harju

March 20, 2012 5:18 PM

Megan Harju and the Asbury team, we are thinking of you this week and praying for your work there in Jamaica. This verse came to my mind about courage and how God is right there with you all this week: "Lord, make them strong and courageous, confident that You will go before them and give them victory..." -- Deuteronomy 20:3-4 We love you and will be anxious to see you when you return!

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