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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Asbury Church - Tulsa

Serving In Jamaica
March 13, 2011
Community: Wakefield
Staff: Jon Nelson

Asbury arrives today!

by Jon Nelson | March 13, 2011 9:12 AM

Our staff is in Montego Bay eagerly awaiting the arrival of the first Asbury team. Our mission team arrives on three different flights: 12:18pm, 2:00pm, and 8:50pm. We're excited about what God has in store this week. Our theme for the week is "BIGGER PICTURE." Isaiah 55:8 says, "For your thoughts are not my thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord." This mission trip is part of a bigger picture for our mission team and for those we encounter and serve in Jamaica this week! Internet access will be a little sporadic throughout the week because the internet at the Nutshell Conference Center (our lodging facility) is down. We will attempt to post a blog at least once a day and will put some pictures up throughout the week also! There is a 24 hour prayer room at Asbury praying for this trip and the other Asbury mission trips happening during the week. Thanks for your prayers! God is good!


by Jon Nelson | March 13, 2011 6:32 PM

Two of our three flight groups have safety arrived in Jamaica! Due to some complications with the airlines, some of our team members are staying in Dallas tonight. We look forward to their arrival into Jamaica tomorrow. Our first flight team landed just in time for lunch. They enjoyed some Jamaican patties and banana chips. They were soon joined by the second flight group who joined them at the Nutshell conference center where we will all be staying this week. After settling in, we had dinner and a team meeting. Now we are meeting in our small groups preparing for tomorrow's ministries. Everyone is tired from the long day of travel. It will be an early morning and a busy day tomorrow but we are looking forward to it! We will try to post a team picture as soon as possible. Internet access is limited where we are staying but more info and pictures will soon be posted! Thanks for your prayers! Blessings!!

First team!

by Jon Nelson | March 14, 2011 8:30 AM

Our first team arrived at the airport and grabbed some Jamaican fast food!
First team!

Second team!

by Jon Nelson | March 14, 2011 8:31 AM

Our second team arrived late in the afternoon on Sunday.
Second team!

Some Jamaican friends!

by Jon Nelson | March 14, 2011 8:39 AM

This pictures shows some of our future Jamaican friends and contact within the Unity Circuit of Baptist Churches. From the left... Conrad Holt (a church member who will help lead projects in Hastings); Merrick Williams (a church member who will help lead the project at the Hastings Primary School); Pastor Owen Brown (Pastor of the Unity Circuit of Baptist churches- Hastings, Unity, and Wakefield Baptist churches); Carmen Saint (the multi-talented, lovely secretary of the Unity Circuit of Baptist churches). We'll be getting to know these folks throughout the week fairly well!
Some Jamaican friends!

Team 3 Joins us!

by Jon Nelson | March 14, 2011 7:06 PM

The last part of our team arrived safe and sound today! It is good to finally be all together. All in all is has been a good day of ministry and we are looking forward to another full day tomorrow! More updates to come!

Tuesday: Ministry continues

by Jon Nelson | March 15, 2011 12:30 PM

Ministry continued today at all the schools and work sites. The children are growing on us and we're growing on them, getting more comfortable for most teams during day number 2 of school ministry. This afternoon the construction at the Refuge Basic School is continuing and the roof is being worked on at Maureen Young's home. Painting is happening at the Wakefield Primary School as well as the construction of a decorative fence. A team is heading out today to visit an elderly shut in nearby the Wakefield School. In Hastings, concrete is being poured for the foundation of the buildings our teams are helping with! An exciting and God-filled day!
Tuesday: Ministry continues

Denis Tobin painting

by Jon Nelson | March 15, 2011 12:31 PM

We have a group painting at the Denis Tobin Prep School in the afternoons. This is the same school we're partnering with in the morning near Martha Brae / Zion.
Denis Tobin painting

Midweek already!

by Jon Nelson | March 16, 2011 12:15 PM

It's crazy to think that we're midway through our mission trip already! Today the school at Wakefield continues to get yellow paint, while a team works on the decorative picket fence as well. In Refuge, the roof is being put up at Maureen Young's home and students are painting benches and "word walls" at the All Age School. Last night Eric Williams, one of our PPM staffers from the parish of St. Ann, shared with us a history and culture lesson about the country of Jamaica. We're blessed nightly to be able to spend time worshiping a great God that is bigger than what our eyes see and what we experience this week. Thanks for all your prayers and support from back home in Tulsa. Everyone is safe, healthy, enjoying themselves, and most importantly- making an impact for the Kingdom of God!

Refuge paint crew

by PPM staff | March 16, 2011 12:17 PM

A team of ladies paint the "word wall" for the Refuge All Age School. The Refuge All Age School has education inspectors coming tomorrow and Friday and our team has been working hard to make sure the grounds are beautiful. Pray for this school as they're under a lot of stress and Satan seems to be attacking the teachers physically, spiritually and mentally.
Refuge paint crew

Hard at work

by PPM staff | March 16, 2011 12:18 PM

Some of our team members are spending their work time tying off steel to be used in cement buildings.
Hard at work

Painting in Wakefield

by PPM staff | March 16, 2011 12:20 PM

In Wakefield, a team prepares to continue painting. Everton Palmer, one of our work leaders is seen on the ladder. Tomorrow we begin with blue on the bottom!
Painting in Wakefield

Jamaican fruits!

by PPM Staff | March 16, 2011 9:21 PM

A small sampling of the fresh Jamaican fruits many of us have enjoyed this week! This pictures shows a pineapple, coconuts, and star apples...
Jamaican fruits!


by Jon Nelson | March 17, 2011 5:01 PM

Today has been an amazing day of ministry once again. Our seven ministry teams were involved in a variety of ministries ranging from working with classes in schools to pouring cement and laying blocks. Some of us in Wakefield were even able to attend a track meet and cheer on some of the children from the Wakefield Primary School! Maureen Young's home in Refuge is nearing completion while progress is also made at the Galloway home and Mrs. Morris' home in Zion. We're excited for another day of ministry tomorrow, especially with the Jamaican school children. It will be sad to say goodbye's, but all good things must come to an end. Tonight we worship together after eating another fantastic meal prepared by the staff at Nutshell Conference Center. More pictures to come soon!

Hastings Primary School

by Jon Nelson | March 17, 2011 9:10 PM

Our team works hard to pour the foundation at the Hastings Primary School.
Hastings Primary School

A beautiful sight in Refuge

by Jon Nelson | March 17, 2011 9:12 PM

This picture shows the investment Asbury has had in the Refuge community. They've built several desks for the basic school and have spent the week with these precious children. This shows our team headed out on a walk with the kids to view the cruise ship in Falmouth from the top of the Refuge hill.
A beautiful sight in Refuge

Winding down... Youth Service!

by Jon Nelson | March 18, 2011 9:49 PM

For many of us, today was filled with tears. We had to say goodbye to the many friends we've made, especially at the schools where we served. Work finished up at all the sites. Some of the work projects are very close to completion. Others will be completed over the course of the summer. This evening our team had the privilege of going to a youth fellowship service, we split our group and went to three different churches. At Hastings, a few Jamaicans shared "sermonettes"- short 5 minute sermons. Erika and Lauren shared sermonettes as well! In Wakefield and at the Unity Baptist churches our teams were involved in friendly competitive games of Bible quizzing. The evening was filled with worship as well. It was quite the experience, seeing how young people "do youth group" in Jamaica. Tomorrow we will go to Ocho Rios and enjoy the beach, have some time to shop and buy souvenirs, etc. We'll have a team meal at a restaurant not far from Nutshell and will be back here tomorrow night for our debriefing meeting. God is good.... Here's a brief list of the people / schools we impacted this week: - Maureen Young - Suzette Jackson and the Refuge Basic School - The Refuge Primary School: Principle Ava Blair - Pertha Lynn Morris - Sandrine - George Feelings - The Galloways - The Hastings Primary School: Principle Leone Groves - The Deeside Basic School - The Wakefield Primary School: Principle Neville Cunningham - The Hague Infant School - The Denis Tobin Preparatory School - Countless children and students - Ourselves! God worked in our hearts too! Praise the Lord!

In Wakefield

by PPM Staff | March 18, 2011 9:59 PM

Greg shows off the smiles of the Jamaican kids.
In Wakefield

Amazing kids!

by PPM Staff | March 18, 2011 10:01 PM

We've been honored to be able to hang out with these awesome kids this week!
Amazing kids!

Our last day

by Jon Nelson | March 19, 2011 3:05 PM

Today, after another great breakfast by Pearl and her team of cooks, we drove east along the northern highway and arrived at the popular Dunn's River Falls Park. We spent a few hours swimming, hanging out, and climbing the gradual waterfall that flows from the hills and flows into the Caribbean Sea. Afterward, we drove further into the tourist town of Ocho Rios and had a chance to shop, eat, and relax as we wind down our time in Jamaica. Tonight we'll be eating at Glistening Waters near Falmouth, which isn't far from our lodging facility. After dinner we'll be driving back to Nutshell for our final team meeting. Many of us leave early tomorrow morning. It's been an amazing week and God has been glorified! Today has been a fun day of recreation, relaxation and fellowship amongst our team!

We're at Glistening Waters!

by PPM Staff | March 19, 2011 4:19 PM

Ready for our last dinner in Jamaica...
We're at Glistening Waters!

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Chere' and Lizzie Sammons

March 19, 2011 8:30 PM

So glad it's been a great week! We can't wait to hear the stories. Prayers as you travel home tomorrow!

John & Susanne Ishee

March 19, 2011 7:13 PM

We are very proud of you, hope you had fun today, and pray for your safe travel home tomorrow!

betsy mitchell

March 19, 2011 7:02 PM

Garrison, Chase, Jacob, Bailey, Alex, Jeniffer, Kelsey, Karl, Jordan, Ally, Kelsey, Morgan, Hayden, Hunter, Matt, Mackennzie, Alli, Austin, Sarah, Genieva, Melissa... I know I'm forgetting tons of names. I've watched all of u grow up. So proud of all the things u guys r accomplishing. Travel safley home. Those of us at the Houston trip, prayed often, Luv, "Miss Betsy" Geeg CAN'T wait to c u. We miss u tons, mom dad & Whitney

betsy mitchell

March 19, 2011 6:57 PM

Garrison, Chase, Jacob, Bailey, Alex, Jeniffer, Kelsey, Karl, Jordan, Ally, Kelsey, Morgan, Hayden, Hunter, Matt, Mackennzie, Alli, Austin, Sarah, Genieva, Melissa... I know I'm forgetting tons of names. I've watched all of u grow up. So proud of all the things u guys r accomplishing. Travel safley home. Those of us at the Houston trip, prayed often, Luv, "Miss Betsy" Geeg CAN'T wait to c u. We miss u tons, mom dad & Whitney

betsy mitchell

March 19, 2011 4:34 PM

Garrison, Chase, Jacob, Bailey, Alex, Jeniffer, Kelsey, Karl, Jordan, Ally, Kelsey, Morgan, Hayden, Hunter, Matt, Mackennzie, Alli, Austin, Sarah, Genieva, Melissa... I know I'm forgetting tons of names. I've watched all of u grow up. So proud of all the things u guys r accomplishing. Travel safley home. Those of us at the Houston trip, prayed often, Luv, "Miss Betsy" Geeg CAN'T wait to c u. We miss u tons, mom dad & Whitney

betsy mitchell

March 19, 2011 4:28 PM

Garrison, Chase, Jacob, Bailey, Alex, Jeniffer, Kelsey, Karl, Jordan, Ally, Kelsey, Morgan, Hayden, Hunter, Matt, Mackennzie, Alli, Austin, Sarah, Genieva, Melissa... I know I'm forgetting tons of names. I've watched all of u grow up. So proud of all the things u guys r accomplishing. Travel safley home. Those of us at the Houston trip, prayed often, Luv, "Miss Betsy" Geeg CAN'T wait to c u. We miss u tons, mom dad & Whitney

Tammy Dixon

March 19, 2011 6:58 AM

Ally! Hello girlie! I am so proud of you and of all the Asbury kids and leaders who are in Jamaica with you. What a wonderful gift it is for you to give of your whole self to this great group of Jamaican kids. Dad and I have been praying that you will have fun and stay safe, and touch lives in a way that will glorify God. What a fantastic experience for all of the Asbury members down there. Prayers for safe travels back. Can't wait to hear your stories. :)

Mary Grace Lesikar

March 18, 2011 7:26 PM

Hey Older Sister!!! Came back from Houston today, lots of fun! Have fun in Jamaica, I've been praying for you. Hope your mission trip is as fun as mine was. Love, MG

Teresa Biles

March 18, 2011 6:45 PM

As you finish your amazing journey to help others, I hope that all of you have been positively blessed by the experience as I know you have blessed those you traveled so far to help. God grant you a fabulous Saturday and a safe trip back home! Special love sent to my awesome small group girls. Extra, extra special love to Rebekah. I can't wait to see you all again. Love you!

Tracy Rinehart

March 17, 2011 9:22 PM

Hi from Houston mission team! We've been praying for you all week and we know your lives are being changed just like ours have! Enjoy each moment because your time will fly by so quickly. Kasey Lee--we love you and can't wait to see you. Mom, Dad and Piper

Doug Biles

March 17, 2011 10:39 AM

Thank you Asbury staff, volunteers and PPM !! To everyone visiting Jamaica, you inspire to me to work harder at doing good. Also for a more impactful trip, take time if available(and supplies permitting), write a log or diary about each day. What made this an impactful day. How did you bless someone. How were you blessed. God blesses our lives even more when we reflect on what has happened each day.

Kay McMullen

March 17, 2011 8:54 AM

"I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I am seeing and hearing about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, especially the ones in Jamaica. I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you brothers and sisters, are refreshing the hearts of the saints." Philemon 4-7 (with a bit of paraphrase)

Paula Layland

March 17, 2011 7:55 AM

Glad to see you all working hard and having fun too. My prayers are with everyone. Can't wait to see more pictures. Hi Maddie Love you Mom

Marsha Howerton Engles

March 16, 2011 9:18 PM

Thank you to all the sponsors and PPM for taking care of our kids this week. Thank you to all the support staff at Asbury to help our family. The pictures are wonderful-keep them coming!

Lisa Spears

March 16, 2011 8:04 PM

We are enjoying the daily updates and pictures! What a great experience to share God's love with the kids there. I know they are touching your lives as much as you are touching theirs. Courtney, we're praying for you daily and for a safe trip home. We love and miss you! :-)

Tracy Roberson

March 16, 2011 7:11 PM

So fun to get the updates from Jamaica! What a fantastic opportunity you guys have to share God's love and serve in His name! Praying for your safe return! Love and miss you, Peyton! Mom, Dad and Quinn

Cheryl Isaacs

March 16, 2011 6:58 PM

So excited to see the pictures of all of you hard at work in Jamaica. Can't wait to hear how God is blessing you while you are doing His work for others. Have a wonderful week. Miss you!!!

Wayne and Jan Mitchell

March 16, 2011 4:05 PM

Geeg, were so proud of you . We pray for all of you in Jamica to be safe and blessed . See you soon.

Trish Saul

March 16, 2011 12:40 PM

It's incredible to actually see the pictures of what's happening in Jamaica. You can see God working through all the people there. Asbury you are all doing a wonderful job! You are showing the Jamaican people that all things are possible in Christ. I love looking at the joy in everybody's face. May God bless you all. Sarah you are my pride and joy. I love you with all my heart! I miss you so much and can hardly wait to hear all of your wonderful stories. I know you will fall in love with all those children. Love Dad, Mom and Lindsay


March 16, 2011 11:58 AM

So proud of you all! You are a blessing to many and we thank God for your willingness and tenacity! Megan and Melissa, no you cannot stay in Jamaica... you have to come home and finish school first! We love you and look forward to hearing all of your stories and how Jesus touched your hearts and how you helped make a difference. Lots of love, Mom and Dad

Madison Ward and Brie Lamfu

March 16, 2011 9:57 AM

Hey we miss you guys a lot, and we wanted to give a shout out to all our toppies and reppies saying that we love you!!!!! also you're doing a great job Asbury Crew, though the work may be hard, just remember that the people you are helping love you for it too :) We love you guys so much and we will see you this weekend!

Doni Moore

March 16, 2011 9:06 AM

Praise the Lord the last group made it to Jamaica. A mission trip is suppose to be have a positive start and sometimes unforseen things happen which may cause you to wonder why you decided to go. Remember why you chose to go and the wonderful things you will be able to do through God. It's a great experience that not everyone has the chance to do. Hopefully you all will grow from the experiences you have had from the start of your trip to when you return home. Thanks to Todd Craig, Bobby and all the leaders that were so blessed to be with the group that was detained at the airport and the patience you had to have. Garrison, we miss you and are praying for you. May you have the love of God in all that you do on this mission trip. We pray your trip back home will be without stress. Love you, your grandparents

Angie Casler

March 15, 2011 9:04 PM

Hi Court and Asbury team. We are continually lifting you up in prayer throughout this week, praying that God will not only touch the hearts and lives of those you are there to serve, but your individual hearts as well. Much love to you all !!!!!

Blossom Samuel

March 15, 2011 7:11 PM

You guys are an amazing examples for others to see. You really are the hands and feet of Christ! We are praying for you all. Hi Ariel, we miss you and hope you are having a great time. Lots of love from Mama, Papa and Noah.

Lori Myers

March 15, 2011 6:15 PM

Praying that God will bless you all and those you serve this week!

the McTigue's

March 15, 2011 4:32 PM

so happy the third team finally arrived:) we are praying for u all, and know Christ is working in your lives and those you are serving!!!!

Sue Hightower

March 15, 2011 3:37 PM

So thankful everyone arrived safely - there are many lessons that will be learned on this trip! You're all in our prayers and we are anxiously waiting to see God's hand in your lives today and when you return. Bless you all for your sacrifice and for your servant hearts! (and a special "shout out" to RaeLee and Jeneva!) ~ The Hightower's

Judy Schiffli

March 15, 2011 2:40 PM

Miranda & Kelsey Owens and all other members of the teams, We are praying for you daily. So proud that you are helping God's poor. Remember Jesus loves the children. We love you, take care, Grandpa & Grandma.

Doug Biles

March 15, 2011 10:31 AM

Praying for you to have an impactful trip. A trip that impacts the people of Jamaica and that impacts the youth of Tulsa. See the differences between our cultures. Learn about how much we take for granted. Let this trip shape your lives so you will be energized for missions in the future. And show love. God has given us so much. We can never outgive him, so spread it around. Love you Rebekah.

Kathy Owens

March 15, 2011 7:35 AM

Glad to here everyone is finally together! We are praying for all of you and know God has awesome plans for you and the people you serve! Hi girls! We miss you and cant wait to see more pictures!

Scott Williams

March 14, 2011 6:45 PM

Prayers answered ! The team made it to Jamaica. Proud of the group for their patience. We will continue our prayers for the work to be done. Thanks for the Leadership. Carli's Parents

Kim Renkema

March 14, 2011 5:37 PM

Praying for you guys this week! God has big things planned.

Dee Williams

March 14, 2011 11:47 AM

I am excited that the 3rd travel group is on a plane to Jamaica today!! They will be one tired bunch (they only got about 2 hours of sleep at the hotel) We know that they can do all things through Christ who will strengthen them! (Phil 4:13) Hopefully they will get a chance to rest tonight. I want to thank all the leaders who have done a great job with a difficult situation! We are praying for all the teams! (Carli's parents)

Chere' Sammons

March 14, 2011 9:49 AM

Love seeing the pictures of the team's arrivals...praying for the Dallas' team's safe arrival today!

Betsy mitchell

March 14, 2011 9:17 AM

So proud of the patience the kids & adult sponsors r having. We on the Houston trip & center for student ministries have been praying for all luv all Asbury mission volunteers. Hi Geeg, we r proud of u. Luv mom dad & Whitney

Lanette Celoni

March 13, 2011 7:19 PM

The team staying in Dallas tonight are in good spirts. The sang and played music at the airport they even raised some money that will be donated to the school in Jamacia. They will be up bright and eraly tomorrow 3:45am. Eagerly awaiting to get to Jamacia to serve. Prayers for their travels to go smoother tomorrow. May God bless everyone on this trip.

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